Author: Zoot
Expectations and Losses
Welcome to Berry Town, Not so Berry fans! So the pictures here are totally random in the order I took…
Love and Marriage
Hello there chick-a-doodles!!! We have a rather simple update today I’m afraid. Merely because I went a little wedding photo…
Rosas Choice
Don’t tell anyone but our founder has, FINALLY, chosen the man to help her get this legacy rolling. I was…
Bungees Big Day
Get ready! Because today is Bungee’s big day! So howl for no reason… Put the ghosts to work… And just…
Bungees Choice
Bungees time to make a choice has come. It’s time to decide which of these men will help her bring…
Dodos Legacy
We have returned to the Not so Doctor Who Challenge and our founder Dorothea has found her arch-enemy at work.…
Soulmate Searching
Here we are again with our soul(mate) searching founder Rosa. Rosa has an eventful few weeks ahead of her. To…
The First Doctor
So here we are about to be entering the Not so Doctor Who legacy. A personal concoction of mine obviously…