A Princess Beri

Today Generation Orange is taking the spotlight. Pandora is dual-challenging here.Not only is she Generation Orange (with all the chaos that contains) but she is also Generation Pocahontas! So, I have two sets of rules to follow with one sim. Luckily for me, her Disney rules are cake. Basically, our gal has to fall for a ‘different’ kind of sim and her story starts as a teen so tada!


Now that Pandora is a teen she has fallen in with the Berry crowd.

These so-called ‘true’ berries are very clicky and Pan has to try really hard to be accepted by them. Except for one of them, Andrew. Andy accepts everyone no matter if they’re a berry or not. How did such a nice guy end up with those so-called popular berry kids?

Pandora may be evil but she’s just a young girl who wants to be accepted for who she is and Andrew is a very accepting sim.

A sim who adores her for her. Who doesn’t mind the fact she cackles uncontrollably and does not look like a ‘proper’ berry. That’s a man Pan wants to keep in her life.

But would such a sim really accept her and her ‘need’ to terrorize the neighborhood?

The fact that she enjoys it as much as she does could just be her little secret.

He doesn’t need to know everything. Even if he did know the likelihood he would believe her are very low.

Pan worked up her courage on Firefly Day.

Then asked Andy what he thought about maybe possibly being her boyfriend.

That night the fireworks were extra special.

She’s now on top of the world and her happiness and confidence have reached their peak.

Nothing could possibly bring her down from this high. Her family is bound to accept Andy just as he accepted her.

Spork was none too impressed by the idea of his little plumbite with a green sim. Of all the berries she could have fallen for! Why would she possibly go after some green dude? Spork’s typical Beri attention span in big life moments came to the fore when he saw Julie walk past the house.

Spork: Is that your mom?

Spork walks away

Pan: Ugh, Dad where are you going?!

Spork just had to check out Julie to make sure her hotness wasn’t too high. In typical Julie fashion, she fell for Sporks charms.

But that feeling of fireworks in her didn’t last very long.

Things with Spork are no longer the same. They are going to have to find something deeper in their relationship than just the physical.

As for Pan, she headed to bed that night seriously considering running away. After being denied her true love and then completely disregarded by her father Pan was in a terrible emotional state. If only Grandpa Kevin was still around to help her out.

Why does Grim always have to visit at the worst possible times?!

You know what that’s it, this is not a home Pandora wants to remain in.

There is nothing but chaos and bad memories here she is getting out of this house. She’ll make her future in the city. It has to be better than this plum life. Right?

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