Papa Can You Hear Me?

When we left Julie she was expecting a baby and she had no idea who the father was. Since her divorce with Generation Plum she’s been a little risqué in her journey to find herself.

Today’s the day we find out who the daddy is.

But before we get there let’s quickly check in with the other household members. Darling, the loner in the Pancake house, got herself a do-it-yourself spaceship and has been working on that while Julie fills the house with strange sims. Maybe she’ll be able to find some peace and quiet in space.

Julie’s puppy Glee isn’t so young anymore and has become an elder.

Not that Julie noticed she’s really not paying attention to anyone anymore. She’s taken Oliver’s advice and turned it into something not quite healthy.

Every day through her pregnancy she continued to go to work. Turns out people don’t expect a heavily pregnant sim to be a part of criminal activities. She’s been a good decoy and not just a bystander when things went down. If you know what I’m saying. As a result, she has quickly risen in the ranks of her new family and has a big job coming up.

But first, we’ve got to deal with this whole baby thing. Dad was informed and proceeded to panic!

That’s right, Pop is Oliver Flex. His emotions spiraled out of control at the whole situation.

He got his best friend pregnant, her ex-husband (and his good friend) is standing right there to help deliver the child and some random employee of the hospital is also about to give birth. How in the hell did any of this happen?!

Olly just couldn’t take it and fled. Back to his quiet home with his cats and his artifacts where everything makes sense. Julie wasn’t left alone though. Spork saw his ex in such a state and his old instincts kicked in and HE PANICKED!

I mean, what the hell is going on here? I thought only the father freaked out? And Spork you’re not the dad, she’s not your wife and you’re supposed to be a medical professional and you know… help!

Looks like Diana will have to deliver her grandbaby all on her own.

Julie should have been thankful to Diana but no, of course not, that would make too much sense. She was thankful to Spork for freaking out.

She was so grateful she… well…

Could this mean they are already considering reigniting this relationship? Yeah, no… I don’t think so. Having a child has done nothing to calm Julie’s new wild side.

In fact, she has never touched her little boy, the bassinet is in Darling and Bridget’s room so they can care for their nephew.

Julie has a life of her own now and this kid will not hold her back. It’s time Dad stood up and took some responsibility. Olly arrived at the Pancake home, totally and completely ashamed of what he had done in Julie’s hour of need. Julie of course forgave him.

Not so much because of the goodness of her heart but more because her new ‘family’ comes first. She explained the situation. With as little details as possible.

… so yeah, I need you to take Gavin. This job is huge and I’m going to be away for a while. A child needs their father.

Olly of course agreed to take his little boy home. The Flex legacy does need an heir after all and he’s always wanted a family. With that, Julie smirked grabbed her go bag, and left town never looking back.

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