Coping With Lost Love

When we left Not so Berry, Julie had just broken up with her soulmate. She arrived in Newcrest, picked a random room in the Pancakes house, and crawled into bed utterly despondent.

The following day after her usual requirements (you know the whole cleaning and cooking thing) she had to reach out to someone. Her sister was in bed (the life of a comedian doesn’t include morning) and Darling was already at work. So Julie sent a text to her close friend Oliver.

If Olly wasn’t into guys this could be read a whole different way. Julie headed to his place and poured her heart out.

However, after a few hours, it just wasn’t enough for her.

She just needs someone to listen to and be there for her. I thought Oliver would be a safe choice to help her through this hard time.

It was Legacy Fest that day.

And they both are second geners with a lot to live up to he would understand where she’s coming from.

But it turns out Julie is just as bad as a Beri and can’t handle hard times. She has to feel loved. Even if it’s only for a few hours.

The awkwardness between them afterwards was palpable.

Olly: Well, that was interesting….

Julie: Yeah, I’m sorry … Did you feel anything?

Olly: ….

Julie: Didn’t think so … It’s me isn’t it?

Olly: Oh no,no,no,no that’s not it at all. You’ve just reaffirmed how truly not into girls I am. I mean if not even a pretty girl like you can evoke deeper feelings in me.

*He looks into her eyes and suddenly they both burst out laughing.*

Olly: Let’s just pretend this never happened and go back to being friends okay?

Julie: This is my fault. Why do I ruin everything?!

Olly: Its not only your fault it takes two. I never should of let it go that far. Something Spork might want to say to himself one day.

Julie: ….

Olly: Listen, you’ve lived your whole life for him why don’t you live for you now. Go out there and find out who the real Julie is.

On the trip back to Newcrest, Julie did just that. She stopped at a local salon and got herself redone.

Now she can show her true colors while she follows these generational requirements.

She also decided to get herself an actual career. Though whether working for the criminal underworld is a real job is up for debate. But she might as well take her passion for stealing and put it to ‘good’ use.

For the rest of the holiday Julie spent her time with Bridget and Darling. They mourned Bob and Natalie after fasting for most of the day.

Exchanged gifts.

Or not.

Their faces are priceless!

Then it was of course time to eat and contemplate the fate of their legacies.

Bridget was determined to keep Julie smiling.

For which she mostly succeeded.

But there’s still a nagging question in the back of Julie’s mind. Will she ever have a Disney heir? Or did she already have her? Can a Not so Berry heir double as a Disney heir?

Julie’s getting on in years at this point is there time for another child? She’s just beginning to embrace her own life. Maybe we should spend some of those aspiration points she earned from ‘finding her soulmate.’

Julie scoffs. Soulmate?

What a joke.

There are plenty of fish in the sea.

Who don’t need my undivided attention.

Or frankly even know their name.

This new life is way better, I’ve never been so happy.

There was only one other time I was ever so on top of the world.

Yeah … When I was pregnant with Pan. But whose is it?

I just swiped left I didn’t take names. I know it wasn’t this guy.

As for the rest … well… it’s equal odds. Why couldn’t life be as simple and happy for me as it is for Bridget?

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