Peggy Who?

We haven’t seen much of these two anymore which makes me quite sad because I love them to pieces.

Their relationship is so much like Petal and Lucas before them.

But, as usual, since he started to undertake this serial romantic thing Max is stealing the show. Max is officially transferring from an amorous teen to an extra-amorous adult.

He is still extremely amorous with purple hair.

Her name’s Kelly by the way. How do I know her name I hear you ask. Whelp, I kinda sorta had no choice.

That’s right our serial romantic boy has already chosen his life partner. Despite the fact he still needs to kiss and date six more ladies. They won’t let that little hiccup get in the way of their happiness.

Even the unflirty Lucas seems to be happy for the two.

Ok, Max let’s go nip this aspiration in the bud at the Brindleton Museum. We shall start with a blind date.

Kiss 5, Girlfriend 3

Look, it’s Andrea, Bridget from the Pancakes legacies old flame. She’s been around, hasn’t she? One of Graham’s serial romantic conquests, lover of Bridget, and now this. In case you’re wondering she later got married and had three kids in story progression so she will stop invading my posts.

Kiss 6, Girlfriend 4

What happened Ulrike? It’s Spring, where have you been?

Kiss 7
Kiss 8, Girlfriend 5
Kiss 9, Girlfriend 6 

Candy here was actually kiss number 10. I missed a picture of Maaike so that officially completes this aspiration. Hadn’t intended on completing this quite so quickly but when your sim rolls marry you gotta let them go for it.

We’ve forgotten about Peggy Sue during all this, haven’t we?

Sorry girl, pop is here for you and should be around even more now.

Sadly things won’t remain all love and kisses around here.

Poor Drip he was such a sweet cat the whole family is going to feel this.

Not really the ideal time for a celebration for little Peggy Sue.

Things just haven’t been going great for her. Her dad’s been busy with all his ladies. Drip died and now Drop is going.

It’s no wonder she became such a loner.

Maybe, it’s not too late however and Max can turn this around. The first step is breaking things off with all these girls.

It’s time to make your child your priority Max.

Wait, no, don’t look at me like that Maxwell.

What are you thinking?

Moving the fiancee in? Already? We should be focusing on your daughter, not Kelly.

Yes, she is lovely. But what about Peggy?

Ooh, wait, she wants to open a flower shop? This could be our chance to return this family to its shop owner roots.

Peggy who?

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