Lil’ Big Beginnings

We shall be starting things out with our lovebirds tying the knot.

In the typical luck of Zoot, it had to rain on these two cuties, and all the black umbrellas made it resemble a funeral.

I’m hoping this isn’t going to be a bad omen for these two because they are just too adorable.

There was a great turnout, Quentin seems to be a rather popular alien.

Even Sim Zoot showed up, looking rather buff.

What exactly has she been up to I wonder?

You know my favorite thing about these two? How Quentin is technically marrying his step-sister’s husband’s sister some 200 years later.

The following evening the Vatores were lucky enough to be invited to the night on the town. During the day Quentin tried to teach his sweet Lil in his favorite pastime.

As usual, it didn’t go great, she’s slowly learning how to be normal we just take it one day at a time. For dinner, the mostly broke duo headed to the super expensive Serenity restaurant.

The only thing better than expensive food at a five-star restaurant is free expensive food at a five-star restaurant.

When we headed back to the couple’s daily routine I noticed this adorable guy and just had to have him.

So I sent Quentin off to work his alien magic.

Tucker of course joined the family soon after. Unlike Bear…

Tucker is an active puperoo and I think he’ll be perfect for Lilith’s active lifestyle. Now, speaking of Lilith something quite extraordinary happened.

That’s right, she is expecting her first child and is quite excited to finally start a family of her own.

Quentin is of course excited to hear the news, he loves to see his Lil bean happy.

Lilith, turns out, is great as a pregnant sim. Some sims are great at pregnancies and others not so much so I’m glad she’s the former with the whole big family thing.

She powered through and continued to maintain her small home throughout.

Naturally, she was a very hungry Lil bean during this time and got herself some snacks as often as possible.

Tucker is anxious about the whole situation and can’t wait for the time to come when he can finally go back to jogging with Mom. To cope with everything his mischievous personality keeps him nice and dirty and constantly causing trouble in the home.

He’s even rude enough to wake up a pregnant sim.

Though in this instance I suppose it was okay. She did really have to pee and by the time she was ready for bed she was ready to bring this kid into the world.

Quentin meanwhile had grumbled about Tucker waking them early and fell right back asleep. He didn’t start to panic until after Lilith got back into bed after delivering their child.

Is that really necessary at this point Q? You have more reason to worry about all the thunderstorms here in Brindleton and your wife wandering off.

I seriously can’t leave her on her own too long or she’s out playing in the most dangerous weather. Thankfully, despite his mother’s faults little Fergus grew up just fine.

He even inherited the family’s eye condition, receiving a color from each parent, so maybe one day he’ll be the heir.

Mama Lil loves her little boy and plays with him whenever she can.

He really is a sweet little tot and loves all the attention.

Because Dad is just as into the whole parenting thing as Lil.

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