Serene Bumps

It’s summer here in Serenity and we have to keep the littlest one happy.

Not that she needs much help in that department.

She’s pretty good at having a good time.

Celeste definitely makes life in Serenity even more serene.

Which I didn’t even think was possible they are a pretty happy family.

Even all the pets get along well and always sleep together.

Naturally, we have some birthdays upcoming. Hardly a legacy post goes by without one. The first one up is Miko.

Next, we have the far more exciting birthday of little Celeste.

No longer a charming little toddler she is now a neat rambunctious scamp.

To celebrate the families’ recent birthdays they went out and threw some water balloons at each other.

Family bonding at its best.

Like any self-respecting child, Celeste cleaned up the water in the yard after the fun.

Once the yard was cleared of excess water the family headed in for their family dinner.

Besides the usual good vibes here the family is also blessed with so much love.

Both couples are completely head over heels for one another.

But then of course when things go wrong here they go very wrong. Ingrid’s prized pup Jasmine is out of time.

Hello again Grim. Why is it no one is ever happy to see you? Do you ever think about that?

The only positive thing to come out of the loss of our sweet dog is the family can now adopt a child.

Hugo is here and he has come to the ‘good’ house already good. These adopted kids are better at getting the family trait than the heirs are. Celeste was less than pleased about the new addition and immediately started a war!

A water balloon war that is. Nothing like a balloon to the face to change your mind about having a sibling.

After the great balloon war, the kids bonded in their rambunctiousness.

With the pretty constant heat waves here at Oasis Springs Celeste has gotten pretty darn good at pool jumping.

Sadly it’s not all sunshine and fun here. The day after the family adopted their second child Ingrid’s long life came to an end.

I really loved this gal she was the perfect good sim to keep her klepto husband on the right track.

She truly epitomized what living in Serenity means.

As you can see she will be deeply missed.

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