Love Day With Lynx

Geoffrey has something he needs to get off his chest.

You better believe she said yes! I don’t feel like looking for another suitable kitty-loving mate anyway. Besides you just don’t say no to Zoot!

Which, I really need to have a word with these aliens.

These abductions absolutely have to stop they are getting way out of hand.

Also, this cat here Lollipop.

Lollipop never shuts up! Constant meowing going on. I mean I know I should expect this from a cat lover legacy but she is driving me bonkers. Alright, I’m done whining.

To the seasons! We started with Spring and it rains an awful lot in Newcrest in case you were wondering. Abigail’s eccentric behind loves it.

Isabella however is not much of a fan or maybe it’s her daughter’s exhibitionism that is the real problem, hard to tell.

Spring is the perfect time of year for love so let’s get this wedding going. I got a new outdoor venue I want to try it out so the two of you are the first to wed here.

Sims blatantly refuse to sit down at weddings for me and Yuki there is angry at the world right now.

Maybe she feels she should of been up there but it’s not my fault she’s not a cat lover. Brianna however is.

She’s also a goofy dance machine and yet another sim with the musical prodigy aspiration. I certainly seem to be getting a lot of these.

Spork is quite happy with meeting a fellow dancing machine.

Geoffrey is delighted with his brand-new wife and can’t keep the smile off of his face.

He immediately rolled try for baby after the nuptials, Geoffrey has been rather conservative with his rolls.

Sadly we are nearing the end of our rotation and can’t fulfill this request just yet. Not to mention that the house is full right now, we’ll just wait for Brianna to get on the same page as Geoff.

Until then we’ll go roller skating.

Clearly, this is the first time anyone’s ever done such a thing.nIsabella still has like 5 more parties to throw but her party spirit seems to be fading.

Come on girl you can do this. Perhaps she’s upset that Generation Three is taking over now. Maybe she’d like to join the retirement home and leave some room for her kids to grow their family.

Not that Abigail has any romantic prospects, I’ve got to cut these extra legacies down somewhere. Sorry honey.

Love day won’t be as much fun for you as for your loving parents.

Actually, hold the phone there’s that SimDa dating app and you have had your eye on that special someone.

Isn’t that sweet? You had yourself a great day as well. No, where are you going? Don’t even think about it.

She thought about it.

I can’t handle her, no idea where or if this is going to go. But I can tell you Brianna rolled try for baby the day I had to switch homes. So whether Izzy and Peter are ready or not they will be leaving home and joining the other oldies in a retirement home to make room for the future.

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