Futures Past

As usual we have a party to prep for.

Maybe, just maybe, that’s not quite healthy.

This week’s party is for the twins’ birthday. First up is the eldest and heir, Geoff.

As an adult Geoff became active (Joel would be proud). Which now makes him an art-loving, cheerful, active renaissance sim. For once I actually like this trait combo I think he’ll be much easier to manage as an adult than as a fussy toddler.

It’s now I’m for self aware spare Abigail’s turn.

Abigail’s already bizarre personality has gone and taken another turn and she is now erratic. Her personality is certainly all over the place. (Cheerful, bookworm, erratic bodybuilder) She’s definitely an interesting sim to play. She may remain as needy as her clingy toddler years.

Now if you’re paying attention you know that Geoffrey got himself a girlfriend in the last post but what you didn’t know is that he hasn’t kissed her yet.

Until now that is. Once he kissed her his next want was for something far more intimate.

Brianna must be a great kisser.

Seems to me that Generation Three is getting ready to take over.nAre you ready to hand over the reins soon Izzy?

Oml could you stop partying for a second? Well, I’ll be honest, I’m pretty ready for Geoff to take over I’m getting real sick and tired of these parties.

I’d much rather deal with the cats.

I mean that is the whole point of the legacy, isn’t it Isabella?

See, that wasn’t so hard was it? No party is required. While you’ve been partying Geoffrey and Abigail have been working hard on their aspirations.


Don’t give me that look kitties.

I can hear you thinking, “Isn’t this supposed to be a cat lovers legacy? Not a Flex house.” These cats think they know it all.

Why can’t they be like Bluebell and just play and have fun. Isn’t that right Blue? Blue?


I am getting really sick of the sight of the Grim Reaper. Nope, nope you can’t redeem yourself of taking three souls in two posts by being nice to the kittens.

Isn’t that right Abigail?

Abby, what do you think you’re doing? You don’t need to impress him if you’re thinking what I’m thinking you are thinking. Don’t think about it!

Geoff and Brianna have this legacy’s future handled.

Don’t think you can throw some random wrench into the works.

Oh man, what is going on?

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