Loving Generation Six

Where were we? Oh yeah, that’s right … pregnant! Better let the husband know.

He took it surprisingly well.

I tried to wait until he rolled try for baby but I was too impatient. Mabel was much more obliging wanting a baby almost immediately after she said ‘I do’. As a result, she just couldn’t wait to let her family know.

Seems like there’s almost always a Pancake at the door.

But that’s not why Colton is in such a panic. This is:

Things went well with the Foxes unlike in Not so Berry’s attempt at birth and the family went home happy and healthy with their new baby girl. But sadly, the alien plague tried to ruin the good vibe in the home.

Taking a woman who literally just gave birth is a severe act of callousness. Whoever the new pollination technician is they must be truly evil.

Mabel perseveres through this traumatic experience and has decided to actually help out at the vet clinic from time to time.

She’s still not 100% sure what she’s doing (after all she is an art critic not a doctor) but she enjoys helping the Fox family thrive.

As for the other Foxes?

Yosemite has become a bit of a nuisance he’s taken to biting his loving family members more and more.

Despite the rodent attacks Susan has taken to life in the background.

I’m sure being one smexy grandma helps with her self-esteem.

Colton is just living the dream and adores it when recently deceased Lucy comes out to play.

But I’m sure you are all excited to get to know the latest Fox and find out if she’s heir with the obligatory hair. Whelp … guess what?

She is!

I have been so lucky with this I’m delighted every time it happens.

Despite Colton finally deciding to roll try for baby (after discovering his wife was pregnant) we no longer have to fulfill that request.

Because silly little Amber has got our legacy requirements down.

Speaking of do you think she’ll be as much of a dog person as her parents?

Yeah, with that grin I think so too. As would be expected with such a fun little heir she has become the apple of the whole family’s eye.

Grandma loves joking with her silly grandbaby.

Colton loves to teach the littlest Foxling new things.

And just enjoy his time with his little girl.

As for momma Mabel:

She is just an excellent mom and loves to spend as much time with Amber as possible.

Mabel also had something else to celebrate besides just the birth of her perfect baby girl.

She had her own birthday to celebrate surrounded by as many Pancakes as possible.

Since the double celebrations can’t just be one-sided Colton decided to bring a new family member into the home.

He went to the adoption agency looking for a new dog and when he saw a baby Fox he decided it had to be fate and brought his little Doritos into the Fox clan.

Idk about you guys but I love him already.

Clearly the Foxes are still my favorite family but this generation may be taking the top spot.

Do you love them as much as I do?

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