
Another quickie Attis post but with a lot movement in our challenge.

This is Graham.

He has now finished his culinary career, tech guru and completed the computer whiz aspiration.

He loves his newest charming grandson Trevor.

Even if the little scamp befuddled him more often than not.

Why he insists on sleeping in a tent is beyond anyone in the home, but he is still loved to pieces.

Kelly has the freelance botanist aspiration in case you were wondering. But their garden needs very little work so she can usually be found with a book in her hands.

Then there was Clifford.

He has been busy.

Rocket science is complete. As is: vampire lore, mansion baron, dance leader of the pack, and bowling.

With unsuspecting staff succumbing to the vampire way.

There have been attempts at mischief. Which almost always backfires, Cliff is just not as good at this as his father is.

Vincent Lynx was kind enough to lend us some plasma.

Cliff is now working on politics because why not?

Oh wipe that smarmy look off your face young man, you’re not even halfway through.

What pain have I wrought upon myself?!

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