Karaoke Legends

Here in Attis everyone has become increasingly obsessed with singing. Gillian is learning it for her renaissance sim aspiration.

Quentin just plain loves to sing. Have you ever heard a child alien sing? It’s delightful! I highly recommend you do that right now.

Then of course there’s Graha,, who is on free will most of the time now since all he needs to do is complete careers now. But he does roll karaoke wants a lot, so be it.

Mainly he’s all up in Zoe’s business. I think she’s delighted he has more time to spend with her now.

Who’s that bear walking around the corner?

It’s Quentin… It’s Quentin.

The Attis kids seem to love the bear phase and for that I love them.

Guess what guys? It’s time for another party!

Wait, what? I thought you finished that horrid aspiration?

Oh, I did but Clifford came home and he’s got some partying to do.

The lovely Gilly bean rolled… drum roll please…


Wait… what the ship?!?! You are a vampire!!

I give up. I thought we finally killed that trait off in the family tree, but no you had to go and ruin it, didn’t ya?

Just typical, while we are dealing with bad news let us throw yet another party.

Quentin, I love you but I miss the bear costume. Sure, why not? You can roll self-assured too. At least you don’t have a curse to break.

Now that your eldest half-brother

Q is back home you can finally get to know him since he was gone by the time you were born.

Quentin is an aspiring musical genius so let’s get to work on that.

You can even rock out with your father.

Guess what guys? I haven’t forgotten this is a super sim challenge. Graham mastered the culinary aspiration.


Zoe may be a borderline juice-a-holic she always seems to have a drink in her hand.

When she’s not with Graham that is.

Oh and Gillian? She wrapped up renaissance sim already.

So I think it’s time you left to make room for…

Aww man what the fizz? Why are the aliens stalking the vampires?

Thankfully, she didn’t come back pollinated so I was still able to kick her out. You can tell by the fact she’s now in human form.

One must put on a front in the real world. Mustn’t one, Quentin?

Yeah, I guess not just look at Graham. When was the last time he even pretended?

Graham’s kitties are excited because Cosmo is back as we transition into generation 2.

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