
As the now self-assured Clarice has mastered her aspiration she can get married.

I thought these two should have a more traditional wedding with the church and all.

Especially since I downloaded this lovely lot and never use it.

I hope Clarice and BB8 here (yes, I still don’t know his name) enjoy their lives in story progression because they are moving out on their own now.

We may have lost one member of the family but we have gained another.

Miko is here!

Miko didn’t come alone she brought her adorable pet doggo Missy with her.

Look at her little face!

What have you been doing Miko this little gal needs some vet attention. So it’s off to Foxy Furbabies Vet Clinic

That’s much better, now you can relax.

Now I know you came here with a career of your own but the restaurant is going to need a new manager.

Isn’t this pianist a doctor?

Oh, and Miko that serial romantic aspiration is not going to fly here. Soulmate will suit you just fine.

I mean you get to go out on lots of dates and marry this gorgeous guy.

He’s been wanting to marry you since I loaded the house so you better be on board for Zoots new plan for your life. Now that we have you all situated let’s make sure that Missy is getting on with everyone else.

Looks like she’s passed Presleys test.

Our family meal tradition is still holding up so I think we should end how we started.

With a wedding.

They had a stunning wedding at my favorite wedding place.

Surrounded by lots of family and friends.

For some reason, all of the Beri offspring (minus Wilma of the rose generation, of course) tend to keep to themselves at these shindigs.

Go get yourself some cake Spork and enjoy the festivities.

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