Reliving the Old

I never told you the name of our latest Attis bean. Why do I call toddlers beans I wonder. Doesn’t matter. The latest bean is in fact, Gillian.

She is a spunky little tot despite her independent personality.

Her and her older brother Richard are the bestest buds.

Richard still finds time to work on his emotional control though.

Plus hunt for stuff for his curator aspiration.

The best part about him rolling this aspiration is the fact that Graham hasn’t done it either so he can get all the rewards without the work from his middle child. Technically 5th child but who’s counting?

Dad is helping Richard stay at the top of the class so it seems like a fair trade-off.

His favorite thing is still playing with his vibrant little sister.

Graham’s few grandchildren left visit the home regularly.

Aww Joel nice to see you again. Since you just died on me.

Clifford, the eldest Attis child is also almost always at the home as well.

What’s the matter, Clifford? Don’t you like San Myshuno?

Graham’s kitties are still here.

Zoe is still here doing her thing quietly in the background.

Loving the ever needy Monty.
Reminiscing about the past.

Getting abducted by aliens.

Um… what?

You know, just hanging out.

Graham, meanwhile…

Remember Graham? The sim who is actually attempting the super sim challenge?!

He has complete the following aspirations: big happy family, good vampire, and friend of the world.

*deep breath*

He has also completed the mischief skill and topped the astronaut career.

Lynx has reminded me about this hateful party animal aspiration as well and golly gee willikers I wish I started this sooner.

I hate this aspiration so much.

Gillian doesn’t seem too fond of parties either.

For seriously?!

I just enabled this and you go and test it out immediately, game?! For the love of Pete! Why me?

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