
Back at Lynx.

Cat loves ghostly kitties as much as regular cats. And Isabella still makes the greatest facial expressions.

Since we moved Vincent from the Disney challenge in, the family receives constant Pancake visits.

Vince has started work as a scientist, because what better job is there for an eccentric sim?

Izzy is still his true love though. The age difference between the two didn’t last long and Vince went to work on her cake.

I hope this cake is going to be safe to eat.

Hold on.. Back up… I forgot a picture…

Ok back to the Pancake party.

Good thing Izzy gets on with the Pancakes so well because there are a lot of them.

Catarina cleaned up the chaos:

While Izzy and Vince went to stare at the clouds.

I love her new look!

They were discussing their wedding plans but before that Joel has to put Vincent to the test!

If you wanna marry my daughter you have to prove you can handle it!

He passed the test and a party was thrown.

Because ya know: party animal aspiration.

Is a huge thorn in my side.

But there was cake!

So it’s not all bad.

I mean essentially Izzy and Vincent are taking over now. They didn’t give Catarina and Joel much time.

I mean Izzy even took over Joel’s singing spot.

The wedding wasn’t enough for Izzy to solidify her spot as the main focus. As soon as she got home from the wedding she had a try for baby want.

Vincent was far more casual about it with just a woohoo want.

She’s the heir however and ultimately she won the battle.

Um.. hurray?

The question now is:

Will she win the war?

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