Mourning Firsts

Have no fear, Lyric is here!

Then again, maybe not.

Don’t you start on me. I know a death is no way to start a post but that’s just how the game loaded. Basically, I loaded the house and not five minutes later Lyric gave up.

It was rather early in the morning and all the other Foxes are night owls so only Colton came out to mourn his grandmother’s passing.

Of course, he had to be dressed appropriately otherwise that would have just added to his sadness. Now if someone could explain to me how these costumes seem to emote.

Great picture right? I can’t be the only one who sees it.

Although he never got out of his bed to witness his beloved wife’s death Mike still received the double mourning moodlets.

Theirs was a deep bond.

Our current heir, Susan has gotten very fit.

Since I don’t have to actually participate in the running of the vet clinic anymore I decided it was time she got out in the world and got a job.

Naturally, our active outdoors-loving sim had to work in the athletic career, and with her high skill and constant need to exercise, she rose in the ranks.

She also had herself a birthday.

No time like adulthood to get your first job.

Colton had himself a birthday as well.

He is now a dog-loving wannabe painter extraordinaire who is just absolutely stunning.

Not long after his birthday Mabel started low-key stalking him. With the ‘Mabel would like to come over after school is that ok’.

Then she invites him out to dinner.

And she arrived flirty so I thought alright game you must be trying to tell me something.

It most definitely was because she then invited him out to the nightclub.

Where things got very heated.

She brought an awful lot of people with her but none of them could hold a candle to Spork on the dance floor.

Colton may not have Sporks dance moves but he has the same eye for the Pancake ladies and asked Mabel to go steady.

While all this is going on Lyric came out for a final visit.

And Ninja is dirty

Like always.

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