Gen 5’s Last Update

As the title suggests this is generation 5s last official post.

Oh get over it Susan I haven’t had an actual task for you in a real long time. You and your hubby mastered everything way too quickly.

Now you just do a lot of bowling.

Besides Colton’s about to be an adult and that’s when these things happen.

But we still have Colton’s teen years to get through and him and Yosemite aren’t getting along as well as they used to.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact he’s been in the rebel phase all of his teen years. So to help his aspiration he’s taken up graffiti to match this never-ending phase.

He still creates normal paintings as well.

All in all, he’s making great strides in his attempt to become a painter extraordinaire. He even took his girlfriend out to the museum with him to admire some artwork.

And well, visit the lighthouse.

As for the rest of the home, the Fox family has become quite the dog-loving legacy.

Maybe having a dog literally at the dinner table may be a little too much.

But how can you not love that face?!

Lyric has come to visit her family and Mike is still hopelessly in love.

As is Colton’s custom he will continue to steal the show with a birthday party.

He grew up into a neat sim, officially giving him the exact same personality as his father. What’s up with that trait generator?

Almost immediately after growing up, Colton rolled an official want (marry) with the lovely Mabel.

I definitely see him as being the sim of the moment now the next time we see the family.

Only 4 masterpieces to go and his aspiration is complete

Generations 5 and 4 will be alright living in the background.

Right Mike?

No, no, no, no, no!

You can’t have him!

It’s the last day I’m playing this household, what kind of a way is this to end a visit with my Foxes?!

Perhaps Colton can brighten the place up with some color.

I was mad when he died the last day in my rotation when I was playing and I’m just as mad now.

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