Day to Day

Welcome to the day-to-day life of the Foxes. When we left them Colton had a birthday but we never got to see him age up.


He’s on the playground because yes, he received the rambunctious scamp aspiration.

But he’s a creative kid, so explain that one trait generator!

Despite his conflicting personality Colton is a happy kid who mastered his aspiration super fast.

Getting older means more responsibilities and the care of Hammy is officially in his hands.

A task he seems quite happy to undertake.

If only he could take care of the cowplant as well the butler might be safer.

Seriously the butler does this every time. He’s lucky I don’t use the deadly cowplant mod anymore. The butler has been luckier than Crow.

I’m going to miss seeing these two cuddle…

His was one of the harder pet deaths to handle I loved the little guy as much as the rest of the Foxes.

Dawson and Colton were busy working on his school project during all this and Susan tried to help out after losing little Crow.

But she wasn’t much help. Lucy was also pretty upset about the whole thing.

She even took to sleeping near his tombstone at night.

They were such good friends. Surprisingly for me even Ninja was pretty upset.

Crow was such a bright spot everyone loved him.


Anyways, there are, as usual, a couple of birthdays.

First was Dawson.

Later followed by Mike.

Neither one received a party, the family was still too upset when Dawson’s came around and Mike’s a loner so yeah no party for him.

As for Susan she has become quite the cook and loves to eat.

It’s a good thing she’s active or she’d be getting pretty chunky by now.

She’s also gotten the hang of this vet thing.

All and all she has proven herself to be an excellent heir.

Hmm… What else happened?

Well, there was another fire, as usual. It’s become an almost daily event.

But believe it or not, I have finally learned from the many near catastrophes.

There have been many changes to the Fox family in the last couple of updates.

But that’s life I suppose.

All you can do is power through it and the Foxes will always have each other.

And there will always be new pets to fall for.

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