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Welcome to my latest legacy starring the Flex family.

Yeah, those are their kitties. Sunlight and Starlight

So if you ever wondered what Catarina Lynxs cats, Doc, and Josie’s kittens would look like then behold!

The last time we saw Diana and Marcus, Diana had told Marcus she was pregnant so let’s deal with that.

Diana and Marcus brought the adorable Oliver into the world.

Both Marcus and Diana had been working at the Foxy Furbabies vet clinic but now that they have their own legacy to think of they had to get different jobs.

For Marcus who has already mastered his friend of the world aspiration, I decided the secret agent career would fit him nicely.

And for the renaissance sim Diana I decided to actually play the Doctor career with her since she seems to thrive on helping others.

Yeah, she advanced really quickly.

Do things seem like they are moving quickly?

Because Ollie aged up into a toddler.

He’s an independent little guy.

And a bit of wild child.

He loves dancing.

And he and papa Marcus are really close.

Mom still has work to do on her aspiration so she spends a lot of time skilling while Marcus plays with the little one.

I mean she’s close.

Real close.

But she’s not quite there yet.

Yeah, I love Diana she’s basically the perfect legacy starter.

The family does catch up for cartoons before everyone’s bedtime.

A routine that continues when he grows.

Sunlight cake anyone?

Except now they watch movies.

Ollie’s reaction to this horror movie compared to his parents is quite comical.

Things go too fast for you?

They went pretty quickly for Sunlight as well.

The thing is: I’m trying to take fewer pictures so I don’t need to do as many updates and hopefully catch up to where I am in the game.

Thus the reason we started with no child to a finale shot of a boy turning into a teen.

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