What Generation is This?

Here we are back at Flex and although we are only on generation one we will be spending most of our time with gen 2.

Yeah Diana I know it’s not fair but that’s life. And that picture is just full of spoilers. You’ve mastered the doctor career.


Aged into an adult.

Surrounded by family and friends.

Including your unflirty yet selfie-obsessed son.

Maybe this particular pose is a positive sign he will role the family trait.

You got yourself a makeover for your birthday:

Spoil the heck out of the kitties:

Bulldozed the factory and built a new home.

Because frankly, Zoot hated it.

Hopefully kiffs generation plum/orange can do that place justice.

I’m not sure if Ollie is upset at the new home or just life in general as a teenager but that kid has some serious mood swings.

He should become more ‘active’ like his parents to help him deal with his stress.

Take the hint trait generator.

Oliver got his love of the outdoors from his mother and Aunt Susan.

Who he got the unflirty trait from is anyone’s guess.

Maybe the same unforeseen force that caused him to go all medieval upon reaching the honor roll.

I mean what the hell is this?!

As with all my legacy kids and teens, I let them go on vacation from school after topping their class.

But Ollie got to actually go somewhere.

He’s my first sim to roll the jungle explorer aspiration so I’m excited to venture out with him.

Come on Oliver! It’ll be okay…… maybe..

This isn’t actually my first trip here. I’ve already completed this aspiration with my super sim Graham. But you haven’t seen that yet.

I think it’ll be far more entertaining with a regular sim. You know one with decaying needs and hasn’t mastered every skill in the game.

As Ollie and I explored the jungle he went digging wherever he could.

And of course, is as selfie-obsessed as ever.

You should be documenting your journey not striking a pose!

You see! That’s what happens when you lose focus! Luckily the vendor was selling those things this morning.

Now I know it’s getting late but let’s get back to work Ollie.

I just love this world, it’s so pretty.

After a very busy day in the jungle, Ollie made some great progress and I didn’t want to take him back to his lodgings.

He was just too close to the temple, okay!?

So it was a nap in a bush….

I must remember to get this guy a tent.

Then right back to it.

That’s not good. Maybe I should have let him sleep in a real bed I think he’s lost all focus.

Sadly it looks like we are going to have to discover the temple’s wonders on our next trip Ollie. You can head back to camp now.

I definitely kept him up too long.

It was a long but exciting weekend. Ollie brought his discoveries home and continued to advance his skill in archaeology discovering his discoveries.

Before setting off on the greatest adventure of all, adulthood.

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