Jasmines Family

Things are going well for our do-gooder family. I was actually able to properly furnish a room that didn’t have a bed in it.

I’m rather impressed that things are going so well financially because every cent the restaurant makes stays there so one day I can remodel it.

As usual the exciting things happen at the restaurant and Ingrid’s puppy Jasmine grew up.

Who’s a good dog?

That; ‘s right you are! Yes you are.

She’s just so precious I may have gone picture-happy.

Ingrid and her pup are the bestest of friends.

As for her human love, they are a rather amorous couple.

If you recall, their amorous behavior gave them an unexpected surprise last time and it’s time we meet generation number 3.

Teddy was at work so Harrison came along with his daughter-in-law where she delivered another boy for Serenity.

Meet Presley Serenity the future of the good.

Ingrid is pretty happy with the new addition.

But she has;t forgotten about her favorite pup an always makes time for her.

Jasmine is big on protecting the home so naturally she has to investigate each visitor.

This guy totally gave her the heebie jeebies. But Teddy was quite friendly with him so he must be harmless.

Because of our one day baby age Presley grew up the last day I planned on paying with the family.

I have to say he is one adorable little tot. Something else happened that last day as well right after we put the latest addition down for the night.

Not to sound callous but dying in the toddlers room is bad form Neil. Sad toddlers are real difficult to skill up.

Poor Harrison, he is absolutely crushed, the love of his life is gone.

The dogs were pretty upset as well. No more long walks with their favorite kelpto.

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