Candles and Bells

Everyone in Serenity is getting old. Even the poor doggos are not immune.

How much longer can the good times roll when even the founder is going grey?


So much grey hair in this shot my babies are getting old.

Let’s not even go into why Mike could possibly be in a towel. They have no sauna or hot tub… Did he take a bath?

Serenity is possibly the only one of my legacy families that actually has meals together.

During this particular meal, they were eagerly discussing the previous days events. Because… You remember this right?

Good, because this happened.

They are just so perfect. I love them.

Especially Ingrid.

She’s become my new focus. Having Serenities exemplar good trait she is also as outgoing as Teddy is and a great lover of the outdoors. On top of that, she wishes to be a renaissance sim so I have a lot of work to do with her.

The older generation spent most of their time during the wedding at the open bar.

While the newlyweds managed to find a quiet moment together when they weren’t busy socializing with their guests.

As for the rest of the guests they seemed to have a great time. Generation yellow on nsb town does not seem to have the stamina of his romantic mama.

Here they are the growing Serenity family.

Ingrid just fits right in. It helps that she already had outstanding relationships with the parents from working in the restaurant for so long.

For a wedding present, Ingrid was presented with a new puppy, Jasmine.

An adorable husky puppy that I’m sure Ingrid will be happy to enjoy the outdoors with. Jasmine wasn’t the only new member to be joining the good times.

Due to the magic of risky woohoo generation 3 is already coming. Whether Teddy is ready or not.

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