Many Faces of Izzy

So, in our last visit with Lynx, Isabella aged up.

She grew into an art loving party animal and I love taking pictures of her because she is just absolutely adorable.

Whether she is cuddling her favorite kitty Bluebell.

Who by the way, got pregnant somehow despite being spayed.

By Monty, a cat who is fixed.

It’s an out-and-out miracle I tell ya!

Granted she only got pregnant once unlike poor Josie who ended up having 6 offspring.

All of whom went out into the world to live with our other legacies.

A move which Graham is very happy about.

Since we have strayed from the point a bit and are looking at a picture of Joel with his grandfather, let’s check in with Joel.

He’s taken on the guitar and singing skills lately and is quickly becoming a master.

But we are here to see the many faces of Izzy who is working as a barista at a local coffee shop.

She hardly seems thrilled about it but hey that’s life.

Inspired by her father she has also taken a liking to the guitar.

Because hey we’ve got to use something to up her emotional control.

I also think it just goes real well with her never-ending loud phase.

Oh, don’t deny it you know it’s true.

So quit your pouting and turn up the radio.

Then get your dad to help you out with your school project.

Before a final family pose and the end of our brief Lynx update.

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