Let the Good Times Roll

Time to let the ‘good’ times roll with Serenity.

In order to do that with my new rules of marrying a good sim if the heir doesn’t inherit the trait we have to break things off with what’s her name.

Sorry not sorry

Since Teddy only has weekends off if we want him to meet someone we better jump right in here and get Papa Harry to bring in the ‘good’ ladies.

Interesting. The hostess at the family restaurant has the trait we need.

Think I know where this is going. With them being around one another constantly it;s far more likely he’ll roll romantic wants than any of these other gals. Only time will tell.

Unless one of these other girls invited him out on a date before he can make a decision on his own I think we found our girl.

Until then we are officially still in generation one and they’ve been busy.


That’s almost all these two do snow that they’re so close to elder and using up their vacation time. They did head out to GeekCon when it rolled around though.

Although Harry has been here before…

It was tech guru Neil’s first time and he was in his element.

Surprisingly they both scored 70 on the gaming rigs but the hackathon was a no contest. Scoring 100 Neil was unbeatable.

Meanwhile… back at the house…

My prediction was fulfilled.

Why do you think he’s suddenly in his pajamas? You think there was a test drive before the want was rolled?

About now I decided some makeovers were in order. This tiny little shack is annoying me.



Thank you random gallery person that I follow who made this. Your work is appreciated.

I also touched up Ingrid, Teddy’s love interest.

Yes, she does have a name and she is absolutely adorable.

I love her, Teddy is smitten and his parents love her too.

So much so that when she came over for a visit they asked her to move in.

Look at her face she is just so excited to be a part of the family.

The next morning…

Guess who moved in after you went to bed last night?!

Wait, What? Seriously? Why so soon?

Because we need to train a new hostess so the sooner the better. We gotta keep our 5 star rating.

That very day the romance festival came to town so everyone headed out after Teddy got out of work.

NO, I didn’t wed them right here.

I was tempted though.

Teddy did visit the love guru who had some interesting thoughts.

“They will brighten your darkness and lighten your load…

like a burning donkey.”

W H A T ? ! ?

Keep your four-legged friends away from the love guru guys.

With time moving so quickly, we have hit a birthday.

Neil is saying goodbye to the adult years and hello to the grey ones.

Surrounded by friends and family.

Because Neil is as close to Harry’s family as Harry is. Everyone loves this couple.

Perhaps they will love the next generation of Serenity just as much.

However I doubt it because Teddy is too busy working on the simoleons of the fabulously wealthy to have time to socialize.

Thus the reason the proposal happened at the restaurant. The restaurant is great for progressing this aspiration. Even though we only make about 1500 in profit each visit every cent counts even if it ends up being used to pay the staff.

Speaking of the restaurant.

Maybe it’s not such a great idea to bring the dogs along.

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