Alien DNA

– insert obligatory cat photo here –

If you read the latest Fox update you saw Joel’s younger twin Mike age up so naturally Joels turn was right around the corner.

I can’t believe my mini Caleb is getting so old.

Izzy is unperturbed because she’s got places to be.

And skills to learn.

Almost always with a feline nearby.

Daddy is always there for a good story.

About now I’m sure you’re asking yourself what the hell the title is about. If not then you didn’t read the title. But I won’t judge. Well, maybe a little.

The reason for the title is this!

What in the actual flip happened to these two? There has to be alien DNA in there. These cats are terrifying.

You’re right Izzy I shouldn’t judge. Cats don’t have to be cute, fluffy, and cuddly right?


Izzy seems to think so anyways so I’ll trust her judgment. It’s about time for Izzy’s birthday as well so our daddy’s girl better be ready.

Happy birthday dear Izzy!

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