Tough Start

Since Susan is already pretty set in her heir status I’ve been focusing on Diana and she’s taken a shine to Mr. Flex.

After a failed romance with Rosa in generation 1 and being left at the altar by generation rose in not so berry, Marcus may have finally found his soulmate.

Whether his non-committal behind likes it or not.

While these two are pitching a little woo, Susan is inside actually taking care of the family business.

Her loner trait is a bit of a factor here constantly making her uncomfortable so it’s a bit of a struggle. But we are determined to see it though.

Speaking of seeing it through…

Bad form Zoot.

I dont need your approval, Diana thought it was awesome.

I’m almost 1000% sure that I never told you their aspirations and Susan wants to be the leader of the pack . An aspiration I have never actually completed. But it seems easy enough so Susan created a club full of hot tubbing.

Eventually I added exercise as well but mainly hot tubbing.

This may be generation 5s first post but generation 3 is still here and they are going to make life a little tough real soon.

Caleb has spent most of his retirement refining his video game skill.


And Maddison spends most of her time with the pooches.

Since Caleb saved his beloved from the grips of grim during the great fire we have a rough night ahead for the Fox family.

Caleb was the first to be called upon.

Everyone was pretty upset, even if they didn’t stop eating.

That very evening Maddisons time came as well.

Only little Crow came to mourn.

But considering what happened the last time they tried to mourn her it may have been for the best.

The whole family is awfully upset.

Except for Mike.

His wife Lyric however was hit with not one but two super sad moodlets and they weren’t even her parents.

The girls birthday was the next day and considering the state of grief in the house they had a quiet celebration at home that morning.

Exactly what is Susan’s face saying right now?

While they walk the dogs I’ll show you their makeovers and they are a couple of cuties.

Even if they are still super sad.

That night was the romance festival and since Susan still had the get married whim, I don’t like throwing parties for loners and I only play 3 weeks I discerned it was fate.

The whole affair swept Diana off her feet and she decided she wanted to make things official with Marcus.

To celebrate, the next day the happy couples went on a double date.

I can now properly introduce you to Dawson.

A neat, creative, dog lover who when he moved in was already level 10 in the writer career.

Not to toot my own horn but I think he’s a rather dashing young man for someone who never creates sims.

I think he’s going to be a great addition to the Fox clan.

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