The Great Fire


Welcome back to the Fox Legacy and boy do we have a doozy of an update for you all today.

First things first we found a new vet clinic to download off the gallery for the Foxes which runs much more smoothly than the old barn I renovated.

Since Susan is our heir I’ve been focusing mainly on her.

I actually created a Sim named Dawson (originally for Bungee, until she started to get amorous with Kevin) so I thought let’s introduce them and see what happens.

Sparks flew almost immediately.

Just like her father, Susan made up her mind real fast.

These two are just too cute together and I’m just glad someone took a liking to my creation because I’m mighty proud of him.

For the most part everything is the usual domestic bliss here at the Fox home.

They receive constant visitors so there’s always someone to talk to.

And of course except for aliens…

Then of course there was the great fire.

Started by…

The butler!

I mean come on!

The game seriously didn’t program these people to automatically clean out the lint filters?!

If anyone should know that by default it’s them!


Luckily for him Diana doesn’t panic like every other family member and came to save the day.

But it’s not safe to come out of your safe place yet.

Because in the other room,

generation 3 is burning to death!



You can’t have Maddison yet!

She only has a little time left you can’t take her early!

Caleb and I aren’t ready.

Grim hear our prayer.

Just one more week.


It worked!

And what’s better Grim took it upon himself to do what the Foxes were incapable of.

Everything is going to be okay.



Where are you all going?!

There’s no need to witness any death!

She’s alive!

What in the actual flip is going on?!

You know what? I’m done.

As is Mike’s time as the main focus.

Yeah Mike I know she’s still a teen but after the great Fox fire Susan made a momentous decision.

Generation 5 knows what they want.

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