Cliffords Soulmate

Oh my Lord it’s been days since I posted, I can barely remember what happened.

I mean this happened…

I forgot that this was an option so I thought I’d see what was up there and gosh damn.

I mean they just do it right there in the middle of the room no matter who or what’s around. I get they’re in bat form but still eww, get a room!

*searches through screenshots*

Let’s see here…

Looks like Clifford’s the main focus this time.


Without further ado,

I bring you a birthday!

For his birthday we got all the Foxes together for quite possibly the last time. *sniffles*

What else did Clifford get I hear you ask.

Apparently rather amorous with a marriage want.

Graham’s gift to the happy couple?

The family curse!

Welcome to the family Kelly.

Before the lovebirds can tie the knot though Zoe has something to take care of.

It’s a girl!

I swear if she comes out a redhead we just recreated the Fox triplets one at a time as Attis.

Unlike Clifford’s reaction to a sibling when he was a child, Richard was excited to have a baby sister.

Can we just take a minute to appreciate how gorgeous Clifford came out as an adult?

No more scrawny little vampire there.

Let’s go get these two hitched.


I’m not crying I swear!

I love how the family always seems to huddle together. Strength in numbers I guess in case a vampire Hunter appears.

Not that they exist but you know what I mean.

The family went in for the obligatory photo op and Richard stole the show.

I am a bear!

Oh sweetie.

Kelly’s wedding gift?

A transformation at the worst possible time.

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