Revenge Pt. 1

Ending his vacation early after his brother Simon’s early demise. Alvin said goodbye to Eloise and Kala and took a detour to Sulani before heading home.

Once there he headed for the Lava Townies plot and began to question their leader Eric about the mysterious child that arrived here years ago. It was clearly obvious this man wasn’t giving him all the facts and eventually he asked to speak to Ezekiel.

Alvin’s impressions of this man were that he was extremely naive. Clearly a kind sim who had his problems and believed everything he was told. Alvin asked him about the child and the man’s face completely lit up as if she was his daughter and not just a miracle of the volcano.

“You really love her, don’t you?” Alvin asked.

“I.. uh yeah I do. I know they say she’s a product of the volcano and our devotion to it but I feel a special bond with her. Plus and this may sound crazy she reminds me of my mama L. But that could be guilt from the accident.” Ezekiel responded.

“Well, my brother thought the picture of her in the paper looked an awful lot like you so maybe there’s more to it. Did you encounter anyone else on Sulani before you met the Lava Townies?”

“.. That was a rough time for me I was pretty lost back then I’ll need to think about it…”

“Take your time.” Alvin responded as he looked around the camp. Suddenly spotting a rather shapely purple berry at the entrance. Who is that? He wondered distracted from the conversation at hand.

“I’ve had this recurring dream…”

Ezekiel started, bringing Alvin back from his wandering mind.

“I’m on the boat I sailed into this island and there’s this shimmery purple haze in the water.”

Purple haze in the water? Alvin is now solely focused on Ezekiel the purple lady briefly forgotten.

“I’m drawn to this haze by this melody, it’s beautiful yet somehow menacing and yet still I’m compelled to follow it. Next thing I know I’m underneath the waterfall in a passionate embrace with the most beautiful sim I’ve ever seen.”

“A purple berry? With green eyes?” Alvin couldn’t stop himself from blurting out.

Ezekeils eyes suddenly light up and gaze intently upon Alvin.

“Y..yes and she has this beautiful extremely long black hair. I felt loved and cared for and safe. I hadn’t felt like that for a long time….” he trails off.

“I know what you mean man. I was in a bad place when I met her to. You were lucky you got away from her. You escaped.”

“So you’re saying she’s real? Baby Hannah is mine and hers?”

“If that’s true, I didn’t so much escape as been set free, like a fish caught during catch and release season.”

“Whereas when she hooked me she went straight for the gutting.”

The two men were then both lost in thought. As they pondered over their own encounters with the mermaid and what it has meant in their own lives.

If she wants to be a Landgraab that badly I’ll show her just what that means. Alvin thought.

He and Ezekiel drifted apart and as Alvin went to leave the Lava Townie encampment he was brought back to the here and now once again by one of its members. What a fantastic figure he thought and introduced himself to her as he headed down the mountain.

Before finally heading back home Alvin decided to head over to Brindleton Bay to see if there were any cats for adoption. Just like he’d planned to do with his brother.

Turns out Brent only had the one kitten left so Alvin brought the little thing home and then called the adoption service bringing two more into the family.

Here he is, finally no longer living under anyone else’s shadow. The family home and fortune are his, he has three pet cats. He should be on top of the world right now but Alvin can think of nothing but vengeance.

How is he to achieve it though? Kala is smart and any sudden changes on his part are sure to tip her off. He doesn’t know if he can maintain the boy, smitten in love routine for very long.

Then there was a bit of luck, or misfortune. In this family they’re generally synonymous.

Simoleons there’s something Kala can’t resist. She did perk up when Alvin told her the families vault would be turned over to him if anything were to happen to Simon.

Probably why she kept me and threw Ezekiel back Alvin thought bitterly. She won’t be able to resist the chance to get her greedy hands on even more.

So he called her and asked her what she thought he should do.

The romance festival is coming up this week. She practically screeched over the phone.

Alvin grinned without a sense of cheer there was pure malice in that smile.

“That’s perfect Kala.” He said with his usual boyish tone. “I cannot wait for you to spend the rest of your life as a Landgraab.”

Alvin spent the next week planning how he would get revenge for everything Kala put his family through and by the time Friday night came around he was ready.

He should of been less at ease with the whole idea of pretending to be in love and faking wedding excitement. But the whole thing came to him easily. He really is his fathers son.

The couple said their vows with neither meaning a word they said. To each of them, they were just completing a mission on their way to the larger goal at hand.

Once they were deemed husband and wife they headed straight back to Oasis Springs, the Landgraab mansion, and the family vault.

Kala could not believe her luck, she managed to pull it off. She was finally going to get her hands on the Landgraabs fortune! After spending all that time listening to Alvin do nothing but whine. Then his brother nearly ruined it all! But she knew she could reel him back in and under her control.

In her excitement, Kala failed to notice how Alvins taking the lead for some woohoo was extremely out of character. But the thought of giving into him in the vault surrounded by all those simoleons was a major turn-on. So she thought little of it.

This time was different, more insistent, frenzied, and exhausting. Wow, maybe I’ll keep him around longer than I planned to Kala thought as she drifted off to sleep in the money pile.

Just as he hoped Kala fell asleep quickly and Alvin was able to sneak out of the family vault.

Locking it before he headed back to the house to wash everything about his wife off of his skin.

When Kala finally awoke she didn’t notice that she was locked in. She still had simoleon signs in her eyes.

But as the hours ticked by, she grew concerned. Surely he must of realized his mistake by now.

Hours soon turned into days and Kala was soon joined by the ghost of the families old dog Jewel.

An omen of what was to befall the evil mermaid.

She thought she could manipulate the lives of young misunderstood boys and take over their family names without anyone becoming the wiser.

She never expected that one of them would figure out what she was up to and seek retribution for her deeds.

Especially the snotty-nosed Landgraab kid, he was just so pathetic.

Hardly pathetic. Just lost and unloved for a very long time and when you took away the one thing he wanted most in life. Acceptance from his family your days were numbered. He may not be evil by definition but Alvin is and always will be a Landgraab.

Shoulda stuck with the Faba kid Kala thought as her last breath escaped her.

When he heard the somber death tone of Grim Alvin knew it was finally time to reopen the family vault.

There she was.

Dead in her precious simoleons.

Grim standing over her cold body.

And all Alvin could do was smile.

What does the future hold for Alvin now?

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