Death is Creeping

Guys, it’s finally happened.

The pups Gaia got when they first started their legacy

(when cats and dogs was released)

are now elders.

This can’t really be happening, can it?

First Amanda and now the dogs?

Got to make sure they get some extra tlc.

Petal, our beautiful heir, was at work doing the whole science thing.

Trying to make a SimRay and terrorize her co-workers when things went horribly wrong!

I didn’t even know that was possible!

I stared in shock for a few seconds. Totally baffled by what I saw, before my brain finally comprehended the situation.

That was a little too close for comfort.

Let’s check in with her new husband.

Can’t be that dangerous becoming a Renaissance Sim can it?

So far so good.

No freak accidents with the workout equipment.

Painting is safe, right?


We made it!

Just when I started to feel safe again there was a birthday notification.

A birthday I have really not been looking forward to.

I can’t believe Greyson is becoming an elder.

It’s ok, remain calm Zoot.

He’s an active sim he’ll be around for a while yet.

So deep breaths.

Everyone seemed to have a great time despite my inner turmoil.

He’s still digging himself even with his head of grey hair.

Despite Greysons optimism I can’t help but feel like it’s going to get real rough soon.

The family is changing too fast for me.

There is one thing to look forward to.

There’s a little Gaia on the way!

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