New Rules

Everything in our Attis Legacy started out nice and normal.

Clifford immediately aged up when I loaded the house because of the new lifespan.

Graham makes such cute babies, doesn’t he?

I was right, he is a vampire but how could you be afraid of that face?

His brother Greyson and big sis Maddie came over to get to know their new brother.

Pure Fox in that face.

This challenge home has started to feel like my other legacies so I’ve decided to put a spin on it.

Since Clifford is a vampire and both parents have asked for it I decided to turn Zoe.

She still kept up the charade of normalcy after the ritual.

Since I’m going to make this a vampire legacy I decided to revamp Graham’s dark form and no longer hide it.

How is it that no matter how differently I dress or change his appearance he always looks dead sexy?


New rules:

  1. Everyone in this legacy is going to be a vampire.

2. Each generation is allowed two ‘immortal’ pets.

For Graham that’s going to be Monty,

And his brother Merlin.

Sorry, Cosmo.

I know you’ve gotten quite close with Monty recently.

Hmm, idk now.

Imma have to think about it when the time comes.

New rule #3: Must show vampire form at all times.

Graham has gone from this:

To this:

If you have a keen eye for detail you probably just noticed we moved the Attis home from Windenburgh to Forgotten Hollow.

I thought it was fitting since they’re all going to be vampires.

I love how Zoe came out.

But looking at the background there I think I’ll delete the few garden plants and just plant more plasma fruit to keep the Attis family going.

The family seems much happier in the new surroundings.

This is the first time I’ve had a family living here and I love it!

Kinda like how I love Clifford is always looking at the camera.

But seriously Forgotten Hollow is beautiful and I love the sound effects.

I was thinking about downloading the always night mod as well but I haven’t decided yet.

Changing the location of their home and showing his true form didn’t change too much.

Graham is still a kitty-holding monster.

He and Zoe still can’t keep their hands to themselves.

He mastered yet another skill.

Time went way too fast.

There are more new rules I’m imposing on this family but I’ll save them for later.

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