Little Richard

I may have gone a little picture-happy with Richie.

He’s just so precious!

Despite Clifford’s initial reaction to his baby brother he loves hanging out with him now.

It’s quite cute actually.

Every time I leave Clifford to do whatever he wants he always goes to hang with his little bro.

We do have some other things to discuss but I’ve still got toddler pictures.


Richard is an independent toddler but he’s almost never alone.

He especially loves imitating the pets.

Like his brother at that age, he’s very self-aware and is good at looking at the camera.

Alright, now that we’ve got those out of the way,

let’s talk coffins!

Bet that’s not something you hear every day.

At least I hope not…

Unless you own a funeral home…


The family doesn’t own a single bed anymore and watching a child get out of one of these things is hilarious.

Most coffin interactions make me laugh.

Especially when they fall out..

All of the kitties are now elders.

But it hasn’t slowed Monty down.

I’ve decided to throw at least one party each time I play this house for a mini-family reunion.

This time we threw a costume party for Clifford’s birthday.

The family did matching outfits.

Everything was perfect.

They all had a great time.

Before we see Clifford’s new form we’re going to check in with the adults.

Zoe has mastered her Joke Star aspiration.

Monty is unimpressed.

Graham has topped the athlete career and the gaming skill.

Also, did you know the bodybuilder career at max level is 500 an hour?!

I was amazed when I saw that.

Going to miss those paychecks when we start a new career next time.

The Attis’s firstborn grew into a very skinny, unflirty Sim who wants a soulmate.

What the fizz?!

I mean come on, that’s just great!

Guess I’ll be tackling that next time.

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