Idyllic Life

We’ve finally made it to the purple generation with Matilda. Where those random kitties born in Gaia are now happily residing.

But there’s still old Odie (yes I remembered his name) one fabulously sweet pup. That Mattie takes excellent care of as she finishes up her senior year of high school.

Since the departure of most of her family, Matilda has developed two great loves in her life.

Her pets which are the definition of adorable.

And the outdoors.

She absolutely loves to build a nice fire at night and enjoy the crisp and cool spring air.

The quiet life on an island in Windenburgh is absolutely idyllic and the perfect place for Matilda.

But she is a perky teenage girl and loves to spend time with her friends. There’s nothing quite like a bonfire party at the beach with her classmates.

Mattie isn’t the only one in the home though. Her parents only decided to retire when her eldest sister Gwendolyn agreed to stay home with Matilda until she graduated.

And due to Gwen’s fiancĂ©e’s issues at home, she moved in as well.

Rebecca is flourishing here in the rainbowcy home, away from the perceived slights of her own family.

And as her graduation from university grew closer and Matilda’s young adult birthday approached she and Gwen discussed their plans to move out to start their own family.

Planning their wedding day the same day as Becca’s graduation ceremony but first, there was the party of the rainbowcy heir to attend.

All of her family and friends were there, excited to see the youngest of five finally growing into her own.

Not long after came the big day for Gwendolyn and most especially Rebecca.

She graduated with honors from Foxbury in Villainy and then she was headed to the bluffs to marry the only person to care for her in her entire life Gwendolyn.

It is true Gwen is absolutely enamored with her and will do anything for her.

They had a beautiful ceremony surrounded by Gwen’s large family and friends, Rebecca’s mother and sister were not invited.

A fairy tale wedding despite Becca’s issues with her own family.

The party guests had a ball in the romantic atmosphere that is the Windenburgh Bluffs.

During the reception, Becca received a phone call from her mother.

Jolene (mom): Please don’t hang up sweety. I know you’re celebrating a very important day today and I just wanted to say congratulations.

Becca: Is that it? I’m kind of busy here.

Jolene: I know sweetie I just wanted you to know I’m so proud of you and happy. Gwen is a lovely young lady I know the two of you will be very happy.

Becca: Is that what you thought when you married mom.

Jolene: *sighs heavily* I don’t want to fight. Just please remember both I and your sister love you very much. I hope you remember that someday.

Becca: Yeah, sure you do.


With Gwendolyn and Rebecca now married and living in Evergreen Harbor Matilda is on her own.

She uses the time on her own to pursue her writing dreams.

While maintaining her family’s home.

And caring for her much-beloved pets.

She develops a true sense of peace in her life.

But soon this idyllic lifestyle is shattered as one of her much-loved pets Odie, dies from old age.

She is utterly shocked and suddenly the house felt very empty.

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