Redemption Pt.2

The Landgraab vacation was “initially” just what they needed.

Granite Falls summers are far more bearable than those in Oasis Springs. It is the perfect place to relax and help a sim get his bearings.

The brothers were able to get in some quality time together and really get to know one another on a deeper level.

Simon celebrated his birthday with a sugar-free cake like any self-respecting bodybuilder.

And was able to get lots of one one-on-one time with his cherished Eloise.

Eventually taking her down to the lake to ask that all-important question.

Which of course she happily and quickly says yes to.

Meanwhile, Simon isn’t too sure about his brothers’ girlfriend. She’s finally made her presence known to the family but something is off.

“I’m telling you Elly. She perfectly matches the description of a wanted mermaid in Sulani.” Simon whispered to Eloise one evening

“You mean the siren? The one that has been luring young men to their deaths?”


“I never believed that. If they all died how are there reports about her? It’s just a fairy tale to scare young men away from premarital woohoo.”

“She’s obviously not killing them all. If she thinks you could be useful to her she seduces you.”

“Oh, Watcher! You are such a sucker Simon. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”

“There’s a rumor she actually birthed the mysterious child of the lava townies.”

“That crazy cult in Sulani? You can’t possibly believe anything coming from them. What could she possibly want from them?”

“You’ve seen the kids picture in the papers..”

“The tabloids…”

“Whatever. But the kid looks an awful lot like that weird kid Zeke who went missing from school years ago. And he comes from a long-standing family. With money, thanks to his grandmother.”

“Yeah but as I understand it they’re basically still middle class with his mother not working.”

“Exactly! So this Kala then met my brother, a far richer fish in the sea.”

“…I.. I don’t know Simon. It’s a stretch. You’re sounding awfully paranoid right now. We don’t even know if she is a mermaid.”

“She is! I saw her out in the pool early one morning. I don’t think she expected anyone to be up. I want to tell Alvin but we’ve only just begun to form a friendship I don’t want him to think I’m trying to stand in his way. He is clearly head over heels.”

“… I’m just worried about him.”

Simon should have been more worried about himself.

But he was right his little brother was head over heels in love.

Now that he has found a friendship with the brother he always envied he isn’t so quick to agree with Kala’s assessment of his family or his role as just a spare.

Kala had always been able to pray on Alvin’s weakness and need for acceptance to mold him to her way of thinking.

But now, now he seems just fine being a nobody and not taking over as the head of the Landgraab fortune.

Which is absolutely unacceptable, she did not waste years of her life. Give up the opportunity to take over a different famous family. Just to be deterred by this little weasely child. She will have her way and bring Alvin back to her way of thinking. She just needs to get that pompous meathead Simon out of the way.

In frustration and knowing she couldn’t take her anger out on the boy… yet. She unleashed it on some interrupting bear.

Kala is not a woman to be denied anything she wants. And she is determined to be a Landgraab and get her hand on that money.

Step one: deal with Simon

Two: Reclaim her hold on Alvin and marry him.

Step Three: well… accidents happen all the time

While all this has been going on Eloise has discovered that she is pregnant. Which she is so excited for, her and Simon can finally start their lives together.

One day she and Alvin decided to take a hike together and stopped at a little picnic area to eat and hang out for a bit. Elly and Alvin have become quite close and hopefully, by leaving Simon and Kala back at the lodge they can learn to get along.

But while they were having a good time just hanging out and eating burgers Kala found this to be the perfect time to work on step one of her plan.

So she sang.

Simon heard the call. A unique, beautiful melody that he felt compelled to follow.

With the muscle-bound lunk head firmly in her control, she summoned all her power and showed him just how right he was about her.

Except it wasn’t Alvin she was after (yet) but poor Simon. The unfortunate firstborn son of Damien who had little choice in life.

His relationship with Eloise and newfound simanity after the loss of his father threw a wrench into her plans but Kala thrives when put on the spot.

After drowning Simon in the pool Kala went back to sleep so she’d be “awakened” by the screams.

Because there would be screams.

Sure enough when Elly and Alvin returned to the lodgings and found the Grim Reaper there with Simon’s body lifeless in the pool.

Alvin screamed.

Kala jumped out of bed with a very pleased expression on her face. Was expecting that goody two shoes Eloise to lose it but Alvin is better. That’ll make him easier to bring back under my fin if he’s broken.

By the time she made it downstairs Simon’s soul had been reaped and Alvin and Eloise were both totally crushed.

Kala knew she should react a certain way but couldn’t quite put her fin on it and just avoided eye contact.

They’re too upset to notice anyways she thought to herself.

That evening Alvin and Elly once again went on a hike but this one was far more somber. They just couldn’t stand to be in the lodgings.

Eventually, they took a rest and set up a fire.

“He was actually worried about you, you know.” Eloise said to Alvin.

“What? Why was he worried about me?” Simon asked her puzzled.

“He didn’t trust your girlfriend, Kala.”

“He thought she was trying to get your money.”

“I don’t have any money, I’m just the spare.”

“…. Not anymore.”

“I.. I … holy llama, that’s right I didn’t even think about that.”

“Neither did Simon.” Eloise said quietly touching her pregnant belly.

“You don’t think Kala did this do you?” Alvin asked her. Slightly angry but more confused in his grief than anything else.

Eloise looked at him sadly.

“He was an excellent swimmer.” Alvin continued on his own. “The chances of him accidentally drowning are very low. But … no… Kala is so small how would she overpower him?”

“… You hear the story about that deadly siren in Sulani?”

When he raised his eyebrow at this Eloise went on to tell him about Simon’s theory. How Kala was that deadly siren and she has been looking for the perfect rich sim to work on.

“In fact, he believed she’s the mother of that mysterious child of the lava townies.”

Alvin sat there quietly the entire time Eloise spoke. At first, it all seemed so absurd but if he actually looked at the facts it seemed very plausible. She came into his life when he was at his lowest. She disappeared and refused to see him in person for almost a year (long enough to give birth). Instead of being happy for him about finally feeling like a member of his own family she only seemed annoyed and continued to bad mouth his brother.

“Do you believe all this?” He asked Elly.

“When he told me. I thought he was crazy but now.” She chokes back tears. “Now I don’t know.”

“Why didn’t he come to me with this? I thought we were getting close.”

“Oh, you were and that meant everything to him. He didn’t want to ruin that by coming to you without proof. He was afraid you’d think he was just trying to ruin your relationship. So, he was going to take a trip to Sulani to see if he could find proof.”

“… He was probably right. I would of thought he just didn’t want to see me happy… Alvin sighs. I think I won’t head straight back home. Think I’ll take a detour.”

“To Sulani?”

“To Sulani.”

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