Crows Lyric

You guys remember Crow right?

The Fox’s sole, unexpected and totally spoiled pet doggo.

Good because Crow has a big day today.

Which he was surprisingly ok with.

Back at home, we’ve been working on this pain-in-the-arse Mansion Baron aspiration of Joel’s.

Initially, I was just adding random rooms to the basement like this bowling alley.

I mean who needs their own bowling alley?!

But hey they don’t make you wear those horrible shoes.

Though heels may not be the best option.

Joel only needs 110k more to make the home worth 350k. So we’ve been taking some of the Furbaby earnings and adding them to the household funds to speed up the process.

It didn’t dawn on me for the longest time I could actually upgrade the exterior of the house itself.

It was a starter home after all so it was the cheapest options.


A simple yet surprisingly expensive makeover.

Took forever to buy enough windows those things were expensive.

Almost but not quite there yet, need to make more money first.

Gotta finish this off then maybe, just maybe Joel can pursue more than just the life of a spare.

The clinic is doing great and with someone always making treats the money is coming in quickly.

So much so we hired a third vet.

Mike still has no interest in the vet skill and does yoga with Crow when not tending bar.

We’ve been spending a lot of time at the clinic so we invited the lovely Lyric over to see if things could progress beyond the physical.

After some time our loner boy came through and tentatively asked the gorgeous gal to go steady.

He took his sweet time about it and I think Lyric was thinking what took him so long?!

Good thing his love life is going well because the rock wall is not.

Another random purchase in our quest to be a mansion baron.

We can’t forget Generation 3 even though we’ve moved on.

Isn’t she lovely?

Her and Caleb are looking more and more like Mr and Mrs Universe.

They love exercise and well…

… ‘space exploration’?

In my quest to advance their relationships, it was soon time for another double date for the twins. Except they brought Mom along this time, that’s not too weird, is it?

After a lot of canceled wants during the meal, at least one of the brothers came through.

At least the heir is filling his role Joel just doesn’t seem to even want to commit to a steady relationship let alone a marriage.

These two are cute and another redhead is welcome to our redheaded legacy.

Of course, we moved her in and the first thing she wanted to do was walk Crow.

I think she’ll be perfect for our dog-loving heir.

With the move, she got a mini makeover.

She’s quite lovely for a random townie she must of had good-looking parents.

Generation 4 meet Generation 1.

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