Let it Snow

Guess what it’s the last post of generation white!

We finally made it!

These five kids seriously had me feeling like I was back in Snow White days in the Disney Princess legacy. What have I gotten myself into?

This post is pretty much exclusively berry spawn-focused but that was Dahlias thing so I don’t think she will mind.

So it’s winter here in Windenburgh which will mean snow and lots of it.

Which means the clan had to get to work cleaning up all the downed leaves before the first flake fell.

I suppose there are benefits to having so many children. They can help out with the work.

Once the work was done the kids could get back to their rambunctious aspirations.

Then it was back to school.

Which sucks.

Someday our little heir Matilda will be going to school with all of her siblings as well. Then we will finally have all these kids out of the house during the day and Zoot can relax.

She’s getting pretty anxious too and can’t be much bothered with her mother anymore.

But she absolutely loves her siblings.

One thing about berries is they absolutely love the snow! Which is great for this family living in Windenburgh they get a lot of it.

So all the kids love to get together and cozy up around a campfire after a day of snowy fun.

Briefly heading in for some birthdays.

And spending time with the baby of the family.

I love the way Polly and Carter turned out after becoming teens.

The oldest twins then hit young adulthood.

Thomas immediately moved out to join the spare house. But Gwendolyn stayed home to write and well I have plans for her.

Eventually and frankly finally Matilda aged up.

No more toddlers wandering around the house!


Though kinda bad timing… poor Misty. Dahlias had that dog for forever.

That just leaves them with their other elder dog … and I don’t remember his name. But he’s a sweet pooch.

Oh, what do you want from me a picture of a made-over Matilda?

Fine, but you’re only getting one.

An inheritance from Dahlia’s father means the family can do some remodeling.

But Zoots lazy so it’s slow going.

Eventually, however I gave them a proper living room and not just a TV in a huge empty space.

It’s a pastel rainbowcy so the place has to be colorful and it appears the family likes it.

Though it could just be the furniture that is no longer wicker.

After I built the living room I had to decide on a floor plan. And there’s a kitchen and a dining room just off this.

Then I had this huge rectangular space by the stairs to the second floor.

So I made a small toddler room a skill room and at the back of the room a family room.

So like a living room but not really for the general public and less formal. Perfect I thought for the Winterfest tree.

Did you know living rooms used to be called death rooms and that’s where they used to display caskets for funerals?

Neither did I or Matilda.

But it’s a fun fact to share with her friends when she invites them in to play video games.

I don’t know if that’s the proper note to go out on with our founding generation.

But there we have it and I make no apologies.

Matilda and her big sister will be holding down the fort when we return as we head into purple.

Where we only need 4 kids…

Damnit why are berries so fertile?

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