Redemption Pt. 1

Just like last time we begin with the young Alvin’s birthday.

As an adult things haven’t changed too much for our overlooked young man. He’s started down his chosen career path to become a mixologist.

Maintains the families garden like he promised his sister Sally.

He has also developed an interest in painting. So on nights that his beloved Kala doesn’t come over he can be found behind an easel.

Kala only comes over late at night when it’s guaranteed that Alvin’s brother Simon will be asleep. She just does not want to meet his family.

Alvin believes it is because of how much he complained about the bullying and neglect over the years. But things have changed since the families patriarch, Damien, died.

It’s as if a huge weight has been lifted from the heirs shoulders.

He’s far more affectionate, caring, and even downright silly sometimes.

Plus thanks to his relationship with Eloise he acknowledges what an ass he was to his little brother and genuinely feels bad about it.

Now, instead of the two of them living around one another in the mansion they actually live together and enjoy one another’s company.

For Simon’s upcoming adult birthday, he is planning a getaway to Granite Falls and even asked his brother to join him.

Simon: “Listen, I’m uh, planning to propose to Eloise then and I’d like you to be there. We haven’t shared many memories so I think it’s time we start. You could even bring that girlfriend you’re always talking about.”

Alvin was excited to be invited on vacation with his brother and to be included in on what was sure to be a memorable trip for him and Eloise.

He couldn’t wait to tell Kala and invite her but the loss of the family’s old dog Jewel put a damper on the joy in the house.

Alvin may be more of a cat person but he loves all animals. They were always there for him as a kid even when his family wasn’t. So he took the loss pretty hard.

With the loss of Jewel that meant there was no longer anything in the home to connect to the previous generation and Simon plans to capitalize on that. He has great changes in mind for this family.

Frankly, this house needs more love in it and he’s pretty sure he has already got a handle on that. He and Eloise are most definitely soul mates. Unlike his parents who were only together so dad could continue the family name. They are genuinely in love and the home should start to reflect that.

The mansion needs more color and life there’s no reason it should look as arid as the climate.

Naturally, our world-class bodybuilder began by redoing the gym.

Even adding a vault to the back to maintain the family riches.

Simon: “I mean the family name is Landgraab. Dad was right about one thing we should look the part.”

Simon’s also been having his sisters over more often and Sally is especially pleased with his plans for the family. She was always pretty outspoken about how oppressive their father was.

No longer being the household servant and in a home that finally feels like one. Alvin has had plenty of time to work on his dreams and is quickly rising in the mixology career.

And guess what? Simon told Alvin at dinner one evening that he thought it was time they got a new pet. This time, maybe that cat Alvin has always wanted.

Simon:”I mean it was a pretty d*ck move to be such a gnome hole about you getting your own cat years ago. Plus I know how much Jewels loss hurt you, you’re just one of those sims who needs an animal in their life. So after this vacation how about we stop by Brent’s and see what kind of cats he has.”

This news really made Alvin’s day. Life really couldn’t get any better.

So when he was finally able to get ahold of Kala he was extremely excited to share the news with her.

She refused to come out to the mansion however and suggested a romantic night at the chalet in Windenburgh.

Alvin chatters excitedly.

A: “He’s going to let me get a cat and him and Eloise are going to be married and it is just going to be great!”

K: “What about all that time he was so oppressive and bullied you?”

A: “That was before, back when dad was still around. You don’t understand what it was like living in that house. And as heir Simon had it worse than the rest of us he just wanted to please him.”

K:”I don’t know.. That can’t be all there was to it. People like that….”

A:”Ugh. You just don’t get it.”

Alvin interrupted Kala.

Sensing that she was losing control of him Kala decided to drop it. For now. But she didn’t put all this work into this whiny child for him to go soft on her now.

For tonight she will indulge him in his happy childhood fantasies and play along.

Accidents happen to Sims on vacation all the time and if it hurts Alvin even better. That will make him even easier to control.

Boys are so easy to wrap around your evil fin.

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