What a Rush

Do you know the hardest part about blog posting?


I mean at least for me anyways. I only have what’s in that parts folders to update with and sometimes it doesn’t always fit together.

Like today’s.

Everything started off nice and normal.

Amanda was making her jams,

with help from the dogs

getting supplies for more jams from the garden,

with help from her club

the obligatory vet visit,

Marcus behaved himself

Graham’s nightly visit,

doesn’t he have a family?

Petal being the perfectest heir of ever.


Then there were tears…

But there was music to deal with the tears.

Why were there tears I hear you ask.

Rush ran away!

I mean I know why he was super dirty and the family didn’t get to him quickly but that’s no reason to take off!

Greyson was right on the computer to let the world know to be on the lookout!

Asparagus people better share this post we need Rush home!

Come on Slim Jim let’s go look for him.


You’re good right there?

Too lazy?

Well… That’s ok I love you anyways I’ll just head out with da…


Can it be?…

A notification he’s returned?!


He’s back!

He even brought something back with him.

We’re just happy our boy is home.


Gotta let Simbook know he’s home safe and sound.

With the news out Lucas Munch had to stop by and see how the family (mainly Petal) were doing.

He’s totally stalking the Gaia family. Think there could be something there?

Wonder if he’s spouse potential.

I apologize if this was odd. I wrote this with a massive headache! You ever have a headache so bad your hair hurts?!

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