Wedding Bells

Welcome back to Attis: A super sim challenge.

Today’s the big day for our lovely co..

Do you hear that?



Phoenix knock it off we have guests arriving soon the place can’t be covered in trash.

Anyways, where we were?

Right, a wedding.

The entire Fox clan has been invited can’t wait to see them all decked out for Graham’s big day.



I just.. they’re so perfect!

As promised all the Foxes made it. Except Greyson was late and Petal never showed but an excellent turnout.

Why do they dance when they’re exchanging their vows?

Graham’s kids seem to be on the fence about this whole new wife thing.

She is younger than all of them. But so technically is their dad.

Grey, as mentioned was late. Harrison showed up angry and Maddison arrived sad. Hopefully, that isn’t a bad omen for the Attis future.

After the ceremony, everyone headed in to eat since Graham was busy cooking everything the previous night.

They are just so in love.

I love them so.

Zoe decided to try out her routine on her new family.

Of course, Tricia Beri, a fellow comedian, was loving it.

She was briefly interrupted by the cake cutting

but was right back at it afterward.

Greyson finally arrived looking rather snazzy, though he may be hitting the weights a little too often.

He used the time to catch up with Goose.

I love how close they are even though Grey never lived with him.

Look at Amanda, just sticking by her man playing with her toys.

Graham was keeping an eye on things while he caught up with Caleb.

They were probably discussing what was the future of Foxy Furbabies now that Graham won’t be running it.

This picture gives me such joy, seeing them all together.

As happens with parties as things wound down everyone broke off into groups.

Zoe and Tricia became better acquainted and the Serenity boys got to know the girls.

The loner Foxes of course rallied together.

Meanwhile, Graham hung out with the only kid to arrive, since Petal was busy doing God knows what.

Once the party ended there were…. needs … to attend to.

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