Slim Jims and Petals

Petal is studiously working on her artistic prodigy aspiration.

I mean just how perfect does she look?

When not being the responsible heir she is she’s loving on the pets. Especially Asparagus because he’s her favorite.

After all these unexpected pet pregnancies my games been having we had to take all the pets to the vet to get fixed.

I love how the clinic is always full of Fox descendants even though I gave the townies pets as well.

Turned into an all-day affair, I guess Marcus and Malcolm weren’t in the mood to work on a Sunday.

Which is kinda funny because when I play with the Fox family the clinic is closed Sundays and Mondays.

But we’re safe now all the pets are fixed and there shouldn’t be any more surprises.

Oh, wait, who is this handsome man chillaxing on the stoop?

I didn’t realize the house had the dog hangout trait. We’re going to have to change that I can’t help myself with strays.

We have to have him, Amanda!

Ok, now let’s see what the top dog in the house thinks.

Journey approves!

Welcome to the family Slim Jim!

Yes, I was eating a slim jim at the time, don’t judge.

He’s so cute … and filthy… in his new sweater.

Him and Amanda are already companions.

He’s also taken his place with the other doggos at bedtime.

Petal mastered her aspiration and grew into a cheerful curator!

Does she have to be the perfect heir?

With this aspiration that means the family will have completed all of the nature aspirations in two generations!

Simply perfect for an outdoors-based family.

As a teen, she’s just as studious and responsible as she was as a child.

Her best friend is Kelly Bheeda whom I still haven’t given a makeover yet.

Poor gal.

The flea market finally came to town and since the plan was to have them start selling their jam there now, off they went.

Petal played her violin for tips.

While mom tried to sell some jam.

But it didn’t happen.

My game is still borked. The spice festival and the flea market are forever stuck together so the flea market is essentially useless to me now. Not a big issue with the spice festival since you can still (just) get to the curry challenge. But selling things at the flea market is impossible.

Oh well.

Guess they’ll just sell it directly from their inventory.

Not as much profit as it could be but still it’s simoleons in the bank.

No, Marcus, no.

Petal doesn’t need your wandering eye putting a mark on her perfect heir record.

Oh no,

Rush is sick we have to go back to the vet.

Marcus better behave himself.

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