
So, as usual, with exceptionally cute toddlers I have a million screenies so strap in.

But first,

Why the hell is my restaurant always full of old people?!

I have to use MC to delete them after they leave, I hope they enjoyed their last meal.

Anyway, this is Teddies hour.

I mean how totally cute is he?!

Honestly, I don’t have a clue what to say.

So just enjoy the adorableness.

Aren’t they such a cute family?

That face!

Tell me you can hear his giggles in this picture as well.

Aww the cutie patootie days are coming to an end.

Then again, maybe not.

So Teddy aged up into a kleptomaniac.

Great just what a good trait-based family needs, another thief.

He’s also a rambunctious scamp.

Not sure if he’s heir material. I mean maybe as long as he’s not evil right?

He could be a good thief.

Like Robin Hood!

That’s really all that happened in Serenity this time around.

Sorry for the lack of… anything really but exhaustion fried the brain.

Poor animals, at least the cone of shame doesn’t last forever.

With Graham finally with a new love in his life he is going to be starting yet another legacy after talking it over with kids.

Something to look forward to, more gorgeous Graham babies.

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