The Beat Goes On

 I hope you are reading this in fast-forward motion because that is how this part is going to go.

To begin:


But by the time they saved up enough money to have a wedding they were toddling around.

That’s little Polly and Carter (names provided by DK), children of Dahlia and Joaquin who will no longer be living in sin.

I took too many pictures because apparently, berry sims have broken all my usual rules of too many pictures.

They were married at the bluffs behind their home.

And it was Firefly Day so there were of course some fireworks.

Zoom zoom remember?

So toddler pictures.

She is just a mini Dahlia it’s fantastic.

The older set of kids needs to grow up.

And in case you were wondering who is heir it’s not any one of these kids.

I thought it would be best to make the youngest heir so I can get the siblings set before I switch generations.

Carter loves hugs.

Boogie oogie oogie

And the heir is officially on the way.

And the beat goes on

As the spares become helpful.

I couldn’t tell you what their traits are because this happened forever ago.

However, I can tell you that just like their older brother and sister they rolled the same aspiration and for them, that was rambunctious scamp.

The older kids have finally started to develop their own personalities with Gwen becoming a wannabe writer.

This aspiration takes forever, sigh.

And Thomas got the civil designer one from eco which isn’t too hard.

But I can’t make any real progress on it until he graduates from university.

Thank heavens he’ll be a spares house problem then.

And moving on to the only kid that’s important the heir is coming!

Please tell me you had that in your head like Paul Revere hollering about the British. Because that’s immediately what came into my head as I wrote it.

Our purple berry heir has arrived!

Even if I’m kinda sad she wasn’t white with purple eyes and hair.

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