
We’re back.

They may have a bed but they still prefer the tent.

Nothing like a great big root in your back when you’re trying to sleep. Because let’s be honest no matter how carefully you pick the spot it’s always there!

Wilma is a regular at the home her and Grey are still bff’s for life.

Amanda has become obsessive about her daily jogs.

So much so that one day I clicked on her and she was skinny.

I have absolutely no idea when it happened but I thought a makeover was in order especially with her adult birthday coming up.

Asparagus has become another member of the family being accepted by top pet Journey.

Journey is definitely king of the castle.

Petal grew into the perfect heir rolling the coveted loves the outdoors trait with the artistic prodigy aspiration.

She seems to prefer cats to the families dogs so good thing there’s Asparagus.

Now that her baby girl has grown it’s time for Amanda to do some growing up of her own.

With the typical Greyson celebration.

By this point the family is doing rather well so I went and refurbished the shop.

And almost immediately after sold it!

The shop running is just no fun. This is the second time I’ve tried. The first time was with the Katz and they briefly owned a bakery. It’s just way too much work. I was starting to feel like I was working instead of playing a game. That’s a surefire way to not want to play at all. So now they’re going to be big flea market sellers instead!

For my sanity!

I had to sell both lots and I was surprised by how much money they actually had so I was able to get them Not so Moderately Modern by Amino builder Sir Jamesy.

It’s not the lot it’s supposed to be on obviously but I actually like it this way and I can expand on it. I did move the toddler room to the first floor but that was the only change I made.

Have to have toddler rooms on the first floor. Then they can feed themselves and most importantly no nightmares!!

The first thing to do with the new home:

Replant the garden of course!

Maybe it was just my own relief of being free of that painful store situation but it seemed like the Sims were happier with the new situation as well.

Come on look at his face! That’s a happy dog!

Graham is clearly in favor of the new situation. Means his presence isn’t as essential but he’ll be back.

Sick of Graham’s face yet? Since you know he’ll be in three of my four current legacies?

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