Petals Over Asparagus

So, I totally forgot to introduce you to the families new cat.

Because I’m a crazy cat lady and every home must have one!

Meet Asparagus!

He likes to think he’s a big tough guy but he’s far too lazy to be anything but cuddly.

Unfortunately, we are unable to train him out of his naughty habits so he’s not helping Graham any with his new aspiration but he loves him anyway.

How could you not?!

Anyone else notice some pets you just can’t train?

Petal is still taking up most of my screenshots folder….

I mean come on she’s just too darn cute.

And I think she’s looking the part for this outdoorsy-based family.

Greyson is especially loving to his little girl.

Yes, he got a makeover after his adult birthday and I think he’s looking rather snazzy.

Plus he likes it too.

The family is doing rather well and they finally got to sleep and… ahem… well you know… on a bed.

Otherwise, it’s the same ol routine at Gaias Jams.


And more gardening!

But no one has forgotten about the pups who get their daily walks in.

And of course Rush’s almost daily baths.

I don’t know what he gets up to all the time.

Apparently, Journeys’ toilet obsession extends to the toddler potty because he’s always there when Petal is.

Petal got herself a new bedroom she’s excited to show off!

Because it’s time for the inevitable.

Before we go, just a little side note.

Make sure you feed your cowplant before you open up shop.

She’s lucky the deadly cowplant mod doesn’t work anymore or she’d be a goner.

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