Time For a Quickie?

Right, so, last part the 4th gen teens aged into adults, right?

After that they…

Took a nap!

Growing up is hard work!

Also they needed to adjust their sleeping schedules since the culinary career is an evening job.

When they awoke I had Mike use an age up treat on the puppy.

I cannot stand puppies and kittens in this game. Which I realize sounds awful. I mean they’re totally cute and everything but they can’t climb stairs or go on walks. Such a pain in the bum. Graham had the skills I made my life easier, sue me!

Crow is absolutely adorable!

I don’t know what random breeds the game created here but he’s perfect!

Son of a…!

I missed a puppy picture



looking at it now I don’t know why I took it.

Oh well, here it is:

Probably took it because I’m obsessed with Graham.

Speaking of Graham and obsessions.

He has a compulsive need to pick up the animals and cuddle them for countless sim hours on end.

Seriously, he has a problem.

Insert random cat photo here.

Let’s see here



Joel is gorgeous!

It’s a shame he’s only a spare doesn’t seem right to just leave him unmarried as the family chef.

He should be out there making more mini Caleb’s.

But that’d increase my legacy count and I need to restrain myself.

But he’s so cute!

I don’t know if I can help myself.

Insert random shot of Mike here.

Guys, Mike, is seriously rocking the man bun!

If you remember Graham has been enchanting greeting every new person he meets and



has come of it!!!!


Graham almost immediately had a woohoo want with Catarina so we set to work on upping their romance.

Then I was like,


I wonder if she’s freak enough to break in the coffin?!

Graham’s wife, Melisa refused every damn time and I wanted to see what happened.

Come on Cat you know you wanna. I mean look at him how could you say no?

She couldn’t.

Bow chika wow wow

The animation by the way was totally worth the effort. Made me laugh.

Just when I got to thinking maybe these two could go create a cat lovers legacy sometime down the line Graham moved in with Serenity and f’d the whole thing up!

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