Easy Street

I’m transitioning us into generation two territory. Our version of Maleficent, Damien, isn’t here very long.

The evil super parent hung around just long enough for his kids to grow up and that’s where we start.

The twin girls whom noone has any expectations for because this family prizes male heirs.


And Sally!

While Ally has become the quintessential spoiled simoleon hungry child only interested in herself.

Her sister Sally is a really good kid. She’s smart helps out around the house, loves to garden and actually takes an interest in her baby brother Alvin. The child the whole family has forgotten.

For his birthday there was little fanfare because it meant once the heir had his own birthday his parents could retire.

Just ignoring the fact they still have a child not just teens that could really use some guidance.

Alvin is trying real hard to be the best kid he can to just try to get some sort of praise or attention from his folks but to no avail.

They have put all their focus and future in the hands of Simon. Who has captured the eye of a wannabe reach girl, young Melanie Erwin.

Simon doesn’t particularly like her but if she’s willing to put out, what harm could it do?

When he’s not working out or being a total thot Simon tends to play ping pong a lot with his childish sister who is the queen of the nag when she doesn’t get what she wants.

So as far as the family is concerned just give her what she wants. Which makes her mighty happy and the house that much quieter.

Everybody wins.

It’s a policy Simon will be keeping in practice now that the house is under his control.

Happy sister, happy life.

He just spends all his time in the gym not really giving two flying llamas about what his siblings are doing.

Sometimes the girls do homework with their brother but it’s really only under pain and threat of failure that gets Ally to read a book.

Usually they have the house full of fellow teenagers and just do whatever whenever they choose.

But as I said Sally is the exception she hopes to become a freelance botanist so she spends a lot of her time outdoors. Someone has got to make sure these dogs get their walks.

She’s also the only child who has shown any interest in going to school which has made her dads favorite.

Like always, Alvin tries to emulate his father and is especially close to Sally. Maybe those dad liking genes will rub off on him.

Try as he might to fit in with his older siblings Alvin just always feels alone and spends his time accordingly.

Meanwhile, Simon can do no wrong. Quickly climbing his way up the ranks in bodybuilding.

How does he make everything seem so easy?

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