Random Foxiness

I honestly have no idea where to start these pictures are so random. Usually, I can find a common denominator but I’m not seeing one here.

Guess I’ll just jump right in and start with the pets.

Virtual Monty is almost exactly like the real one was, I loves him so.

As does Graham.

I never actually let Merlin stay out long enough to collect a gift before so when he came back with a present I was so excited!

And his first-ever gift?

This made me laugh so hard! Perfect gift for the Foxes and their second-gen vampire.

He’s looking mighty proud of himself.

No need to look so high and mighty mister you have an appointment.

No more unexpected kitties from you mister.

Let’s check in with Maddie now.

She celebrated a birthday… That I totally forgot about.

Sorry sweetie I was too focused on Graham’s vet career.

We’ve finally hired a second vet to help. Zoot legacy stalker Marcus Flex.

Until Marcus gets his skills up Caleb helps out when he can.

Caleb has very much become a background figure.

But he’s an excellent and very doting father.

With Maddison so focused on earning money to finish off her aspiration she hasn’t spent much time with the kids. Caleb is happy to fill in the gap and takes the kids out when he can.

Graham’s kids are still constantly visiting the home.

He spends as much time with them now as he did when they were kids.

When he’s not dealing with the garden of course.

As for the kids, with both of them being artistic prodigies I was able to build them a music room.

Maddison is doing really well making money to become fabulously wealthy.

This is one time-consuming, fairly difficult aspiration. But at least I don’t have to fish and identify plants.

Since we are up to the kids we can finally celebrate their birthday.

Joel was our first born so he’s up first.

Joel grew into a Foodie (like Dad) and an aspiring mansion baron.

I think he’s a Caleb clone.

What is with this family and their sudden obsession with money?

Good thing Maddie has been working so hard it’ll make things easier for Joel.

Heir Mike’s turn.

Mike grew into an active mixologist.

I think it’s rather fitting the brothers would be semi-sorta into the same things with the food commonality.

They will definitely both be working in the culinary industry.

I had planned on making Joel a vet for the family clinic but I suppose he can work on it in his spare time but first, we have to make it through the painful teen years.

At least they’re going to look good while they deal with high school.

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