
Let’s take a journey with Gaia.

To start things off, I was getting restless constantly gardening with Amanda. So when Wilma Beri called Greyson to invite him out for Knight Night I sent the Gaias off to catch a break.

I do love Amanda, she’s the one working so hard and she still auto-cares for her man.

And break off the romantic relationship with these two.

Grey has Amanda now and is over this schoolyard crush.

But even though I sent the family out to socialize and have a good time they still seemed to isolate themselves.

While Wilma was the center of attention inside,

the Gaia family were outside enjoying the fresh air.

Whelp, I tried.

It was a change of pace for a little while at least.

Back to the regular routine after that.

At least until the romance festival came to town.

And the lovely couple made it official.

I hear wedding bells but they sound cracked.


Mister Love Guru,


As we learned previously, the couple’s eldest pup, Journey, is a hunter. And over the last week of play, he’s taken it upon himself to head out on the town and explore!

I almost love him even more when he’s filthy.

Got this shot just in time when I randomly went to check on him.

Journey even brought home a friend that Greyson took a shining to.

I have since added the big furball to the family. Now that I can actually use manage households again.

As newlyweds are want to do they got a little ‘careless’ and soon discovered they were expecting a new addition.

This wasn’t actually risky woohoo this time, they both rolled try for baby soon after the wedding.

This shot I love! She got him right before he was taking Rush out for a walk so they’re all there to hear the big news.

As the pregnancy progressed it became harder and harder for Amanda to get all her gardening done.

Even with Grey’s help.

But an invite from the Garden Gnomes saved the day!

Seriously, if you don’t want to hire a gardener and your sim spends way too much time in the garden, make a club! Just collect all your harvestables first or they’ll steal them.

Especially Bjorn!

Keep your eye on that one.

It was worth losing the harvest to keep the garden maintained though. Amanda put in too much work to lose it.

Before we knew it it was time to head to the hospital to bring the first Gaia descendant into the world.

With a good luck kiss from Grey, Amanda headed into surgery.

Baby Petal is here!

Ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves an heir!

And the start of an actual house at Gaias Jams.

Hopefully, by the time she becomes a toddler and can come to the lot, they’ll have a room for her.

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