Romantic Journey

It’s been some time since her discussion with Joaquin about her romantic future. Joaquin is a detective and his hours can be sporadic but as soon as he had a free night he reminded Dahlia about wanting to take her out on a proper date.

“Just let me put the charm on for one night.”

I mean she isn’t actually dating Sergio why is she so hesitant? Afraid to lose a friend, lose Sergio, or both?

As if reading her thoughts Joaquin texted her back.

“If it’s weird we will just pull it back and go back to being just friends, scouts honor.”

Chuckling Dahlia responded.

“Alright scout you win, when and where?”

8 at Bistro L’Bananiere a posh new restaurant in San Myshuno.

How Jo managed to score a table at this sleek establishment was beyond Dahlia. But it felt really nice having someone actually show how much they like her company.

Since they’re neighbors Jo escorted Dahlia home and she asked him to stay for a bit. Sensing his hesitation she spoke up.

“I just don’t want the night to end yet. We can just watch the stars, it’s a pity you can’t see them in the city.”

With that Jo relaxed and they lay in the grass outside her home and watched the sky, telling stories and holding hands.

As Jo went to go home a few hours later he thought an explanation was necessary.

“This has been perfect. I know it may seem old-fashioned but I wanted to … I mean … I need you to know, you’re more to me than just …”

Dahlia couldn’t take it anymore and she kissed him.

“I, uh, that was nice. I’ll talk to you soon?” Jo asked.

Dahlia nodded blushing from head to toe. She’d never felt like this, not with Sergio.

“Enjoy the Firefly Holiday Doll!” Jo called as he walked down the hill towards home.

Dahlia did just that. She invited the whole Fox clan to join her at the Bluffs.

Nothing like time with the family to help you remember what’s really important, family. I mean who else will encourage you to make the messiest cannonball you can?

After an absolutely amazing day on her way home, Jo texted her a simple: Thinking about you :kissing_heart: and suddenly Dahlia was on cloud nine with a smile that wouldn’t die.

As she got closer to her trailer she saw movement outside and after her text, she assumed it was Jo.

But the closer she got she saw it was Sergio and her smile faltered a bit.

“Happy Firefly Day!” He practically shouted at her.

Clearly, he’d had too much juice in the sun.

“Haven’t heard from you in a while” She responded.

Not noticing her unwelcoming tone Sergio just kept on talking.

“So I heard you went out on a date with Jo.”

“What’s it to you?” I never hear from you and whenever I do see you we just woohoo. Don’t act like you care.”

Sergio’s raised his hands in defense.

“Obviously I care otherwise I wouldn’t be here after finding out.”

Maybe he does care Dahlia thought taking the seat next to him.

“Fine, friends.” She said.

“Just friends?” He smirked and winked.

She chuckles “Yes, just frie… ” but the words died on her lips as Sergio leaned in.

Once again, as usual, they ended up in bed. The next morning it was immediate regret. Joaquin had texted her but she couldn’t bear to look at it. What did she do? She’d decided she wanted to pursue things with Jo and what does she do the second Sergio shows up? Maybe she really doesn’t deserve better.

She trundled to the kitchen and started making breakfast. I mean things with Sergio weren’t great but maybe she can make this work.

Presumably, the smell of food is what brought Sergio out of the bedroom. He walked in grabbed her butt and a slice of bacon.

“Morning” he yawned out.

Yeah, maybe she can make this work. Dahlia smiled and set the table for the two of them. They ate breakfast without saying very much but as Sergio was finishing up he suddenly spoke.

“I’ve been thinking…”

“..Yeah” Dahlia’s hope began to rise.

“About this whole just friends thing.”

“Oh.” Dahlias face fell as her dreams were crushed.

“I think you’re right. I mean this is fun and all but what do we really have in common? You want the family the dog the picket fence. Me? Man, all I want is a good drink a good game, and a good lay. Jo is right you deserve better than that.”

Seeing the expression on her face Sergio softened his tone.

“Seriously Dahlia, call him. When he told me I got so jealous, not because it was you but just the way his whole being lit up just talking about you. I’ve never felt that but you have.”

Dahlia opened her mouth to speak.

“Don’t try to lie and say it was with me because we both know it wasn’t. I had way too much to drink last night and all I could think was I’ll show him. That wasn’t fair to him or you. Call him.”

With that, he left.

Sure just call him, easy for him to say. Joaquin wanted to take things slow with her and build something solid together and she broke it before they could even lay the foundation. It’s looking more and more like she is destined to be alone.

For the next few weeks, she ignored everyone. No more visitors no more phone calls or texts or dinner dates with friends. Dahlia needed to focus on Dahlia.

She redecorated her home, threw herself into her painting and just when she was beginning to feel ready to get out there again she discovered why she had been feeling so sick lately.

Dahlia has always wanted to be a mother but not this way. There’s only one person who could be the father and they broke it off. Plus he really doesn’t want kids he’s said as much. But he has to know, doesn’t he? Even if he wants nothing to do with the baby. Sergio’s not that bad maybe just maybe her child won’t grow up never knowing their father.

To set the scene Dahlia decorated the kids’ room before inviting him over. Sergio was reluctant to come over at all he knew she hadn’t contacted Jo he could see it in his face every day. But eventually, he decided he’d go and try to convince her to reach out to his friend.

When he arrived she’d left the front door open and he called out for her. She responded she was in the back and to come in.

Oh man, the bedroom was in the back of the house. He knew Dahlia and him didn’t belong together but he didn’t think he’d be able to resist if she pushed him there.

Turns out she wasn’t actually in the bedroom there was a light coming from a door to his left. That hadn’t been there before.

“What’s this? You have a built-in closet put in? Women … and … their …. shoes…”

SURPRISE! Dahlia blurted out. You like it?

“It’s a nursery. You’re not? I mean … it’s mine, isn’t it? Yeah of course it is, noone else showed up here drunk and broke your heart did they?”

Dahlia just stared at him, waiting for some acknowledgment of what he planned to do.

“What do you expect me to say, Dahlia? I never wanted this, you know that. Listen… I… I… don’t want to be a dad but if you need anything just … just ask”

“You mean financially, don’t you? Like that’s all it takes!” she stopped and took a breath “I know you never wanted to have kids and honestly I never expected you to help but at the very least I thought you should know. If you ever change your mind and want to meet your kids you can come by anytime.”

Seeing how his eyes widened at the word kids Dahlia explained.

“Oh yeah, it’s twins. I guess when you impregnate someone you don’t waste any time do you? Straight to the bonus level.”

They both laughed.

Finally, Sergio asked her, “What about you and Jo?”

“I don’t know. We haven’t talked in a while and now I wouldn’t know what to say. I mean I can’t expect him to still want me now can I?”

“If it were me yeah not a chance but Joaquin is most decidedly not me. I’d risk it if only to get that abandoned puppy dog look off his face.”

She smiled.” Alright maybe. I mean what have I got to lose if he says no I’m not losing anything am I? … He really looks like an abandoned puppy?”

“Yeah, he’s driving me nuts always asking about you if I’ve heard from ya.”

“Alright, I will. But first you want some sugar cookies? I’ve been baking like mad ever since I got pregnant.”

The two former lovers had a fine afternoon just talking and eating cookies and milk. And although it didn’t look like her kids would be part of their dads’ life at least she knew she had a friend if she ever needed him.

That night she texted Jo.

“I’m not dead. Just had some things to deal with. Hopefully we can see each other soon.”

Then as if an afterthought.

“I miss you.”

From there she opened at least one aspect of her social life but she still refused to go anywhere or see anyone. No one but her family knows about her pregnancy and she doesn’t know how to tell her friends, especially Jo.

One day when her father Fred and he were out to breakfast Jo asked about her.

“Aren’t you two friends? Hasn’t she told you?”

“Told me what?” Jo asked.

“Listen I’m going there later today come with me.”

“I don’t know she’s said she just doesn’t want to see anyone right now. Besides she didn’t invite me.”

“Don’t make me play the dad card, it’s still technically my property, and you’re my guest I insist.”

When they arrived Dahlia was busy painting but she knew her father was coming by. He was always there checking up on her.

“Hey Dad, you catch the Llamas last night that referee I mean do you have to be blind to do that job?”

“Yeah, I actually think it’s in the application.” Came the response but not from her father like she expected but Jo.

“Oh Jo I…”

“Congratulations” he interrupted. “No wonder he’s looked like the cat who stole the cream lately. I take it you’re on your own officially now?”

Dahlia’s whole face reddened.

“Yeah, he broke it off before I even found out the twins really sealed it.”

“Oh Watcher, twins? Really?! That’s so exciting!”

And just like that they were okay again. Dahlia knew she hadn’t lost Jo after all. I guess her meddlesome father was good for something after all.

Over the next few months, the two carried on just as they had been since that first date and he even went with her to the hospital.

The babies came into the world with very little trouble.

A healthy baby boy and girl, at least they aren’t identical Dahlia laughed. Never had she been so happy.

There was one person whose joy could almost match Dahlias and that was Grandpa Fred.

Now she’ll never get him out of her house. But with two babies she’s secretly thankful he is so protective she needs the help.

Even Father Winter stopped by to bring her some cheer away from crying and feeding and diapers.

Maybe just maybe once they’re bigger things will calm down a bit and she will be able to find time for Jo and they can really see about building something together.

Phew you Simmers who always write stories I praise you. Would of loved to just do my normal routine but sometimes I need to explain the stories behind why my sims do what they do. PS. I always have little fanfics in my head of what goes on I just don't relate it here. It just keeps me engaged.

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