Bridgets Life

Hello, my loves!

Welcome to the Pancakes Legacy!

A legacy byproduct from Bob’s spare children from his life with Snow White sim, Natalie Morales.

In case you haven’t read some of my other posts the two Pancake spares left are Bridget and Theresa.

Bridget, my favorite Pancake, will be founding the legacy with her fiancee Darling.

Really it’s Darling’s fault for rolling try for baby and taking the Pancake name after their upcoming nuptials.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Bridget is the only really outgoing sim in the house and her sister and fiancee are both loners.

Which obviously leads to great early-morning conversations for these two.

Things are just kind of dull around the home until Bridget starts entertaining everyone.

She was always the heart of the family.

Nothing is going to stop these two from marrying at the perfect outdoor venue.

Not even a blizzard can keep them apart.

Ok, so here’s what happened.

I really wanted them to get married in the snow because Bridget absolutely loves it.

The forecast said ‘chance of snow’ then this happened.

So, ya know it’s not really my fault they are all freezing their tails off.

Besides I just placed some heat lamps and no one froze to death, all’s well that ends well.

See, even the mean Theresa had a good time.

Blizzards are far less exciting when you have to trudge in them to get to work.

But at least your ghostly mama is there to warm you up.

Snow is great and can be a ton of fun!

Especially when Snow Bunny Day comes around.

You can take the ever-exciting polar plunge.

–No Pancakes were hurt in the making of this post.–

Go streaking in the brisk and crisp air.

However that may not be all that fun when you hit some ice.

I swear they weren’t hurt!

Then of course, the icing on the snowy cake.

Terrorizing the Flower Bunny with the mischievous spirit of this amazing holiday.

A far better holiday than Winter Fest if you ask me.

Though Bridget may have the right idea by sneaking her presents early.

Which might explain why when the big moment came she got a whole lot of nothing.

That won’t keep her down she loves a good belly laugh.

And making the day of her beloved.

Let’s get the rest of these Pancakers over here to enjoy the festive spirit.

Gah! Almost all 7 in the shot, Vincent’s mia

Maybe Father Winter will actually give Bridget a gift if we ask him nicely.

He totally did by the way.

Apparently, New Year’s Eve is only like 2 days later (I gotta fix that) and it’s my last day with the Pancakes so at least we get to go out on a high note.

I do have to say I enjoy that random word they say when they’re counting down … It truly makes me happy.

Before we head out let’s get a ghostly shot of the mean Theresa with the sweet Jewel.

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